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Allocation service for associating Prison Offender Managers with Offenders


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Offender Management Allocation Manager

A Ruby On Rails application for allocating Prisoners to Prisoner Offender Managers (POMs).



See .ruby-version file for the current Ruby version.

Use asdf or similar to manage your ruby environment and sets of dependencies.



  • Nomis Elite2 - API for accessing prison, offender and staff information from the National Offender Management Integration System
  • Nomis Oauth2 Server - for logging into the application

Installing Ruby

The app uses Ruby 3+. Installation is a little tricky on M1 Macs:

Install libyaml: brew install libyaml

Use Brew's libffi, not the system's one: export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/libffi/lib" CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/homebrew/opt/libffi/include"

Install with your Ruby version manager: rbenv install 3.y.z

Running The Application

  1. Install Bundler
$ gem install bundler:2.2.28
  1. Install gems locally
$  bundle install
  1. Load govuk and MoJ styles (see package.json)
yarn install
  1. Create a .env file in the root of the folder and add any necessary environment variables (or copy from .env.example). Load your environment variables into your current session ...

  2. Create and seed database

$ bundle exec rails db:setup
  1. Start application
$ bundle exec rails s
  1. Check application status

Visit localhost:3000

Running The Specs

The first time you run the specs you'll need to record the VCR cassettes:

VCR=1 bundle exec rspec


If you want to locally test functionality with AWS services, you have to use a tool called Localstack to emulate it. If you are not testing the use of AWS locally, you do not have to do this - the vast majority of the application functions without having to talk to AWS.

Install it:

brew install localstack/tap/localstack-cli

Start it in the background:

localstack start -d

Configure a fake local profile. Enter anything (e.g. fake) for the key ID and access key. Enter eu-west-2 for region, and json for output:

aws configure --profile local

Copy the localstack lines from .env.example into your .env file (search for 'localstack' in .env.example)

Create the domain events SNS topic and SQS queue and its subscription to the former:

PAGER= AWS_PROFILE=local aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 sns create-topic --name domain-events
PAGER= AWS_PROFILE=local aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 sqs create-queue --queue-name domain-events
PAGER= AWS_PROFILE=local aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 sns subscribe --topic-arn arn:aws:sns:eu-west-2:000000000000:domain-events --protocol sqs --notification-endpoint arn:aws:sqs:eu-west-2:000000000000:domain-events

Start the consumer in another terminal/tab:

bin/rake shoryuken:start

Test it in a bin/rails console: "noop", version: 1).publish

If no exceptions are raised, check the output of the consumer in the other terminal. If you see output, it works.


Secrets are stored in the secret/allocation-manager-secrets item in each K8s namespace.

So for example, for production, one would do:

kubectl -n offender-management-production get secrets allocation-manager-secrets

These are all managed manually using kubectl. See here for more info

Deploying to staging, preprod and test

staging, preprod and test are deployed environments that can be used as part of the development process. Their purposes are:

  • staging - Deployed to first before deploying to production to make sure deployment works. Can also be deployed to separately by force-pushing to the staging branch.
  • preprod - Contains a copy of live data, updated via a script. Only security-cleared personnel can look at it. Deploy here when you need to check WIP code against real data.
  • test - Points to the same database as the staging environment, but does not need code to be mainlined to be deployed to. Just like staging, contains synthetic data so does not require SC to access. Deploy here when you need to check WIP code that requires valid NOMIS data. However, job workers always run in staging so if you are testing background tasks, set the RUN_JOBS_INLINE=1 environment variable so the jobs run when they are invoked.

The method to deploy to these envs is the same. Commit any code to be deployed locally, and run:

# Staging environment
git push --force origin HEAD:staging

# Test environment
git push --force origin HEAD:test

# Preprod environment
git push --force origin HEAD:preprod

Environment Variables

Several environment variables are required for the operation of this service. Not all are required to run the service locally


Env var Description
KEYWORKER_API_HOST The URL where the keyworker API is hosted
HMPPS_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID The client ID of the application in OAUTH
NOMIS_OAUTH_HOST This is the full URL of the OAUTH host where access is granted to users using the service
HMPPS_API_CLIENT_ID This is the full URL of the API host where access is granted to read from the relevant APIs
PROMETHEUS_METRICS If set to 'on' then will enable the generation of prometheus metrics
ASSESS_RISKS_AND_NEEDS_API_HOST The URL where the Assess Risks and Needs API is hosted

Extra variables not required locally

Env var Description
DIGITAL_PRISON_SERVICE_HOST The host where New NOMIS is hosted
NOMIS_OAUTH_AUTHORISATION Oauth authorisation string (base64 encoded)
SENTRY_DSN The URL of a sentry installation. If no installation is available, then this should be present but an empty string ( "" )
GMAIL_USERNAME Email of Gmail user for Parole import
GMAIL_PASSWORD Application password of Gmail user for Parole import

Git Hooks

Run make setup to install git pre-commit hooks that:

  • lint changed files using govuk rubocop

To test that the pre-commit hook is set up correctly, make an anti-rubocop change in app/models/offender.rb and try to commit - it should stop you doing so. (If it succeeds, undo the commit).

If there are problems with Rubocop running (e.g. during a rebase session where the commits change Gemfile/Gemfile.lock) then disable the hook first: chmod -x .git/hooks/pre-commit

Deployment files

Helm chart files in helm_deploy/ directory. Modify these to manage deployment.


CircleCI is used for testing of branches and deploying.

It runs tests in parallel and skips flaky specs.

Mark specs as flaky by adding the flaky: true flag to them.

To disable parallel testing in CircleCI, set the environment variable PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSORS=1 in the CircleCI project settings. Delete it from project settings to go back to the default of parallel testing.

Further Documentation

Architectural Context

auto-updating container diagram

👆 edit in hmpps-architecture-as-code



MIT Licence (MIT)