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Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

A little toy to explore the possibilities of Retrieval-Augmented Generation.

The idea is to have a generative language model awnser questions exclusively on the basis of the provided sources.

An interactive minimalist example with a web interface is provided.

It relies on Flask, transformers and Llama Index.

NOTE: I am not going to keep updating this experimental repo because the RAG protocol is now being integrated into a more complex pipeline. So everything here should be considered outdated and is provided for illustrative purposes only.

A few different scripts are provided:

  1. rag_llama_index_AWQ_multi_app uses all PDF documents within a given folder as source material and dolphin-2.6-mistral-7B-dpo-AWQ as language model. This approach is much faster and more efficient in every aspect (retrieval, reranking, etc.) than the previous ones. Recommended.

  2. rag_llama_index_AWQ_mini_app is an older version reading one specific PDF.

  3. rag_llama_index_tulu_app uses the English translation of The Little Prince in PDF format as source material tulu-2-dpo-7b.Q5_K_M.gguf as language model. This is an early approach using GGUF and it is slow and inefficient. I keep it here for reference.

  4. The exllamav2 script is highly experimental work in progress. It relies on exl2-for-all, but this library does not work out of the box for RAG and needs to be hacked. Working, but currently only on one GPU and slower than AWQ.


  • This is not a search engine. You may need a bit of trial-and-error with prompt engineering in order to get the right answers.

  • This is not a chatbot as it does not keep any memory of the conversation threat. It is just for Q&A.

  • Only plain text is correctly parsed. Images, tables and graphs will be ignored at this point.

  • The preprocessing function has been tested on a small set of PDF files with roughly similar format. It is heuristic but most likely it will not work for every file.


Check this as well as the discussion here. I am Ed Moman and would love to hear your opinion on this matter if you have one.


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