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Augmented reality is hot. Artificial intelligence is hot. Combining the two to create an augmented view of reality where pictures can be identified, tracked, and labeled with meaningful text is a truly fun and exciting experience. This page describes how to use Unity and Microsoft Cognitive Services to create a desktop application to do just that. The application can be run as-is on the desktop emulator, and it can also be deployed onto the Microsoft HoloLens.

The application uses the Microsoft Computer Vision API, part of Microsoft Cognitive Services, to extract meaningful text from images. Vuforia is used for image detection and tracking. Microsoft Visual Studio is used to create script actions that call out to the Computer Vision API and also to deploy the application to the HoloLens.

The below steps describe how to create two demos. The first demo shows how to recognize and track an image, and draw a cube on top of it. The second demo builds upon the first demo by showing how to extract meaningful text about a recognized image from the Computer Vision API and superimpose it on top of your view.

So, feel free to follow the steps below to get started - and have fun!

Demo One

This demo shows how to recognize and track an image, and draw a cube on top of it. When running, it looks like this:


For an architectural diagram showing how all the components work together, click here.

Setup Instructions

Follow these instructions to deploy the application when using the emulator:

  1. Clone this repo (or download as zip and extract) into a local repo directory. Example:
  2. Install Unity Editor
  3. Create Unity project
    • click: New
    • type: Project name: AugmentedRealityDemo
    • browse: Location: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services
    • click: Create project
  4. Install and configure HoloLens Toolkit
    • browse:
    • download: zip
    • extract: zip
    • copy: contents of zip’s Assets folder to project’s assets folder
    • menu: HoloToolkit > Configure > Apply HoloLens Project Settings
    • click: apply
    • menu: file > save project
    • menu: HoloToolkit > Configure > Capability Settings
    • click: apply
    • menu: file > save project
    • menu: HoloToolkit > Configure > HoloLens Scene Settings
    • click: apply
    • menu: file > save Project
  5. Register with Vuforia
  6. Create Vuforia license key
    • Click: Develop > License Manager > Get Development Key
    • Type: App Name: AugmentedRealityDemo
    • Click: Confirm
  7. Create Vuforia image database
    • browse:
    • login
    • click: Develop > Target Manager > Add Database
    • type: Name: AugmentedRealityDemoDatabase
    • select: Device
    • click: Create
    • click: AugmentedRealityDemoDatabase > Add Target
    • click: Add Target
    • select: Single Image
    • file: browse: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services\setup\target-images\charlie-card.jpg
    • type: width: 5
    • type: name: charlie-card
    • click: Add
  8. Download Vuforia image database
    • click: Download Database
    • select: Unity Editor
    • click: Download
    • click: Save As: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services
    • click: Save
  9. Import Vuforia image database into Unity project
    • from: Unity: project: AugmentedRealityDemo
    • menu: Asset > Import Package > Custom Package...
    • browse: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services\ImageDatabases\AugmentedRealityDemoDatabase.unitypackage
    • click:open > all > Import
  10. Download Vuforia Unity Extension
    • browse:
    • click: Download Unity Extension (legacy) > "I agree"
    • save as: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services\vuforia-unity-package\vuforia-unity-6-2-10.unitypackage
  11. Import Vuforia Unity package into Unity project
    • from: Unity: project: AugmentedRealityDemo
    • menu: Asset > Import Package > Custom Package...
    • browse: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services\vuforia-unity-package\vuforia-unity-6-2-10.unitypackage
    • click: open > all > Import
  12. Create cube on top of recognized image in Unity project
    • right-click: Main Camera > Delete
    • expand: Vuforia > Prefabs
    • drag: AR Camera
    • select: AR Camera > Inspector
    • click: open Vuforia configuration
    • paste: app license key: your Vuforia license key
    • expand: Vuforia > Prefabs
    • drag: under: AR Camera: ImageTarget
    • select: ImageTarget
    • rename: CharlieCardTarget
    • select: CharlieCardTarget
    • select: Database: AugmentedRealityDemoDatabase
    • right click: CharlieCardTarget
    • select: 3D Object > Cube
    • type: scale: x: 0.25
    • type: scale: y: 0.25
    • type: scale: z: 0.25
    • type: position: y: 0.5
    • select: AR Camera
    • click: open Vuforia configuration
    • check: Datasets: load AugmentedRealityDemoDatabase database
    • check: Activate
    • menu: File > Save Scene
    • type: Scene1
    • menu: File > Save Project
    • click: run arrow

If you have a HoloLens, you can proceed to deploy this project to a HoloLens by following the instructions here.

Demo Two

This builds upon the first demo by showing how to extract meaningful text about a recognized image from the Computer Vision API and superimpose it on top of your view. When running, it looks like this:


For an architectural diagram showing how all the components work together, click here.

Setup Instructions

Follow these instructions to deploy the application when using the emulator:

  1. Install Visual Studio
  2. Get license key from Microsoft Computer Vision API
  3. Update Vuforia image database
    • browse:
    • login
    • click: Develop > Target Manager > AugmentedRealityDemoDatabase
    • click: Add Target
    • select: Single Image
    • file: browse: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services\setup\target-images\satya-nadella.jpg
    • type: width:5
    • type: name:satya-nadella
    • click: Add
  4. Download updated Vuforia image database
    • click: Download Database
    • Select: Unity Editor
    • click: Download
    • click: Save As: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services
    • click: Save
  5. Import updated Vuforia image database into Unity project
    • from: Unity: project: AugmentedRealityDemo
    • menu: Asset > Import Package > Custom Package...
    • browse: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services\vuforia\target-image-database\AugmentedRealityDemoDatabase.unitypackage
  6. Create text on top of recognized images in Unity Project
    • Create Image Targets for satya-nadella
      • expand: Vuforia > Prefabs
      • drag: under: AR Camera: ImageTarget
      • rename: SatyaNadellaTarget
      • click: SatyaNadellaTarget
      • select: Database: AugmentedRealityDemoDatabase
      • select: Image Target: satya-nadella
    • Create 3D Text for: satya-nadella
      • right click: SatyaNadellaTarget
      • select: 3D Object > 3D Text
      • rename: SatyaNadellaText
      • clear: Text
    • Create component and script for: satya-nadella
      • click: SatyaNadellaText
      • click: Add Component
      • type: Name: SetTextSatyaNadella
      • click: Create and Add
      • double click: SetTextSatyaNadella
      • copy: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services\setup\target-images\satya-nadella.jpg into: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services\unity\AugmentedRealityDemo\Assets\StreamingAssets
    • click: SatyaNadellaTarget > SatyaNadellaText
      • type: Transform
        • Position: x: -1, y: 0, z: 0
        • Rotation: x: 90, y: 0, z: 0
        • Scale: x: 0.1, y: 0.1, z: 0.1
      • click: Add Component
      • select: New Script
      • type: SetTextSatyaNadella # this will open Visual Studio
      • copy: contents: <local-repo-dir>\reality-augmentation-using-cognitive-services\setup\src\SetTextSatyaNadella.cs
      • menu: file: exit
    • menu: file: exit
    • menu: File > Save Scene
    • type: Scene1
    • menu: File > Save Project
    • click: run arrow

If you have a HoloLens, you can proceed to deploy this project to a HoloLens by following the instructions here.


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Reality augmentation using Cognitive Services on Windows Mixed Reality







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