No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
This needs more work to be able to be accepted
This is lacking essential information like steps to recreate or a video showing reported behavior.
Needs testing and verification if properly fixed.
This is an invalid thing, the original suggestion/problem doesn't actually happen or isn't needed.
This was resolved, and will be in a future update.
This was deemed unfitting for the project. Won't do it.
Something essential that should be done in this release, as soon as possible.
Something not very essential to the release, can be done in free time and bumped back if needed.
Something that should be tried to be done in this release, but not as important as High priority.
Something that may take a week up to a month to implement.
Something that may take a few days or so to implement.
Something that may take a day at most to do.
Something that is estimated to be only a few lines of code or will take minutes to do. "Quick Wins"
Something that should work/look one way isn't quite doing that.
Something that is more internal to development than end-user.
This can improve a system/thing already in place.
Completely new feature to implement.
You can’t perform that action at this time.