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Firefox Experiments validator - Klaatu

A tool used to validate firefox experiments

Using the docker hub image

To use the docker hub image, you must mount your local dir as a volume in the container. I suggest mounting the volume like -v {LOCAL-DIR}:/code/test_files.

Here is an example: docker compose run klaatu tox -e bdd-tests -- --experiment-branch control --variables tests/fixtures/test_experiment.json --private-browsing-enabled. By default this will build and run the tests on Firefox Release.

There are 3 versions of Klaatu that have each major Firefox type.

  1. mozilla/klaatu:firefox-release : Firefox Release
  2. mozilla/klaatu:firefox-beta: Firefox Beta
  3. mozilla/klaatu:firefox-nightly: Firefox Nightly


You should have docker and git installed.

Building locally

  1. Clone repository
  2. Copy the JSON of your experiment, into a file named experiment.json. The JSON can be found in 2 ways. On production:{EXPERIMENT-SLUG-HERE}


Place this file in the somewhere within the working directory.

  1. Add the path using the --variables option. Ex: --variables={PATH/TO/experiment.json}

  2. Add the branch you want to test with the --experiment-branch option. Ex: --experiment-branch control

  3. Build docker image with command FIREFOX_VERSION="-nightly" docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build in the projects root directory. The FIREFOX_VERSION env variable can either be -nightly or -beta. Leave it blank to build for release: FIREFOX_VERSION="".

  4. Run tests with docker, example: docker compose run klaatu tox -e bdd-tests -- --experiment-branch={BRANCH YOU WANT TO TEST} --experiment-slug experiment-slug --experiment-server {stage-or-prod}

If you want to run against a locally stored experiments JSON file, place the file in tests/fixtures and pass the path to the --experiment-json flag. You can remove the --experiment-server and --experiment-slug flags when using this method.

Running on Windows

The file docker-compose-windows.yml contains a windows docker image. This setup is much more involved but I've provided some scripts to help with this.

  1. The method of interacting with the docker image is through RDP. I suggest using XDRP for this. If you're on windows but using WSL, you can use the build in RDP client.
  2. Run the docker image docker compose -f docker-compose-windows.yml up. This will take some time to finish as it has to download the windows image. You can view this process via novnc in the browser at localhost:8006
  3. Close the VNC window after the windows desktop is shown and connect via RDP using the following address: localhost:3389. The user is docker and there is no password.
  4. Open a powershell terminal and execute the following:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
  1. Run the setup-windows.ps1 script:
  1. Right click on the desktop and make a folder named klaatu.
  2. Open the klaatu folder and right click, select More Options and then Open git bash here.
  3. Clone the klaatu repo:
git clone
  1. Run the

You should now be able to run the tests in the git bash shell: tox -e bdd-tests -- --experiment-branch control --experiment-json tests/fixtures/test_experiment.json or tox -e bdd-tests -- --experiment-branch control --experiment-slug experiment-slug-here

CLI Options

  • --private-browsing-enabled: If your experiment runs within private browsing windows please include this option.
  • --run-update-test: Includes the update test in the test run using Firefox Nightly.
  • --experiment-branch: Experiment branch you want to test.
  • --experiment-slug: The experiments slug from experimenter to load the experiment into the test.
  • --experiment-server: The server where the experiment is located, either stage or prod.
  • --experiment-json: The experiments JSON path on your local system.

Running on GitHub Actions

Using GitHub actions to run the tests is the easiest and fastest way. It also allows you to run a test against a mobile app (Firefox for Android and iOS).

  1. Click the Actions tab at the top of this page. Here you will find a few different actions listed on the left side.
  2. Choose the workflow you want to run. If you want to run on a Windows machine, select Windows Klaatu Tests.
  3. Click the Run Workflow tab on the right side of the center column to open the dialog box to configure the run.
  4. Configure the run by adding the slug you want to test in Experiment Slug. Add the branch for this run in Experiment Branch and add the Firefox versions within the Firefox Versions list.


For the firefox versions, add a list within square brackets of either version types: latest, latest-beta, or specific version numbers: 123.0. Behind the scenes this uses this github action, so you can reference that for more specifics on which firefox version to input into that list.

  1. You can then click Run Workflow. Wait a few seconds to see the workflow popup, if it doesn't just click refresh and you will see the job running.


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