- always use the NEEDLE as the first argument for the comparison function. Otherwise you get very nasty comparisons (which don't hurt, but are utterly useless) like these in *indexed maps* at least:
watch for the compareValue/compareValue2 = **NaN** log lines below: this is due to a useless (due to way it was invoked!) call to `aCompare` at the end of binary-search.
The log below is a heavily instrumented `originalPositionFor()` API test run which was failing for indexed maps.
originalPositionFor: { generatedLine: 2, generatedColumn: 3 }
# search round 1
binarySearch SECTIONS: { needle: { generatedLine: 2, generatedColumn: 3 },
'section.generatedOffset': { generatedLine: 1, generatedColumn: 1 },
compareCheck: 1,
compareValue2: 3 }
# search round 2
binarySearch SECTIONS: { needle: { generatedLine: 2, generatedColumn: 3 },
'section.generatedOffset': { generatedLine: 1, generatedColumn: 3 },
compareCheck: 1,
compareValue2: 1 }
# while loop round 1; always fails thanks to NaNs.
# That ain't no needle being fed to it!
binarySearch SECTIONS: { needle:
{ generatedOffset: { generatedLine: 1, generatedColumn: 3 },
BasicSourceMapConsumer {
_sourceLookupCache: Map {},
_names: [Object],
_sources: [Object],
_absoluteSources: [Object],
sourceRoot: null,
sourcesContent: null,
_mappings: 'AAAAA,CCCCC',
_sourceMapURL: undefined,
file: null,
_computedColumnSpans: false,
_mappingsPtr: 1114216,
_wasm: [Object] } },
'section.generatedOffset': { generatedLine: 1, generatedColumn: 1 },
compareCheck: NaN,
compareValue2: NaN }
binarySearch SECTIONS --> found @ index: { sectionIndex: 1,
{ generatedOffset: { generatedLine: 1, generatedColumn: 3 },
BasicSourceMapConsumer {
_sourceLookupCache: Map {},
_names: [Object],
_sources: [Object],
_absoluteSources: [Object],
sourceRoot: null,
sourcesContent: null,
_mappings: 'AAAAA,CCCCC',
_sourceMapURL: undefined,
file: null,
_computedColumnSpans: false,
_mappingsPtr: 1114216,
_wasm: [Object] } } }
# and this is what the API gives back. Unexpected, very probably wrong,
# but that's for another PR. The key element here is the faulty use/code
# of aCompare/search.
# 'rv' = Return Value
originalPositionFor: { line: 2,
column: 3,
rv: { source: null, line: null, column: null, name: null } }
- kill the fixed 3rd *undocumented* argument for the compare function. It's been with us since (SHA-1: 5241b06 * Always return the smallest element when there is more than one match) and has no function / is **unused**.