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Stephan Aiche edited this page Jan 9, 2014 · 2 revisions

Lists of screencasts for OpenMS

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Howto sniplets

Name Topics Data Comment Status
navigating in TOPPView loading, zooming, panning, reset zoom done
1d view basics intensity scaling, switch raw and peak mode done
1d view advanced measuring and statistics peakpicker_tutorial use picked for stats and raw for measuring
2d view basics panning, zooming, 3d view done
2d projections panning, zooming, 3d view LCMS_centroided maybe some more details on the different elements? done
2d view spectra box stepping through 1d spectra LCMS_centroided or RAW
view meta data show how to access metadata some instrument data
layers box flipping, dragging layers to tabs picked or MS2 data show howto compare picked and raw / flip data and drag to new window
data filters box applying filters LCMS_centroided

Problem solving/visual workflows

  • 1d peak picking (data available) (Zerck, data Zerck)
    • Baseline reduction and smoothing
    • Peak picking
  • ID
    • ID in 1D spectra
    • ID mapping to features
  • 2d quantification
    • unlabelled quanitfication (apply feature finder, show convex hulls) (Marc)
    • labelled quantification (SILAC, Lars; ..)