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Core plugin of MSMP.


Only gradle is supported.

repositories {
    maven {
        name = 'jitpack'
        url = ''

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.msmp-mc:msmp-core:VERSION'


Minecraft Plugin helper

When you create a new plugin, you can use PluginBase and CompanionBase to help.

These two classes are helping you to create a new plugin by simplifying some redundant things like creating static access to the actual instance (create a YourPlugin.getInstance()).

It also creates static access to the plugin Logger (YourPlugin.LOGGER) and log when your plugin is enabled and when it is disabled.

Of course, it supports custom instructions with the methods enable() and disabled() called respectively when the plugin is started and is stopped.


Creating configurations' file is pretty annoying, so we have decided to fix this by providing a class doing this for you.

There is two classes:

  • Config - The main class
  • ConfigHelper - A helper class which to be extended by an object


When you create a new plugin with the PluginBase class, you must provide an object using the ConfigHelper. Let's call it ConfigAPI.

object ConfigAPI : ConfigHelper()

After creating it, you must register it inside your plugin.

override val configHelper = ConfigAPI

Now, you can use it to get a config.

Create a new config

To create a new config, just create a new .yml file in the resources' folder. These files will be copied at the right place when the plugin is launched for the first time or when a file is deleted.

Get and use a config

To get a config, you must use the object using ConfigHelper. Let's suppose you call it ConfigAPI.

To get a config, you must call the ConfigAPI.getConfig(). It takes one parameter:

  • The name of the config

The name of the config is the name of the .yml file present in the resources' folder.


val config = ConfigAPI.getConfig("config") // get the file "config.yml"

To use it, there are two methods very useful:

  • get() - Get the FileConfiguration of the config (and use it like every classical FileConfiguration)
  • save() - Save the config file


config.get().setString("version", "1.0.0") // get the "FileConfiguration" and set a string with the key "version" and the value "1.0.0" // save the config file


The MPlayer class is a class that represents a player with custom information stored. It must be used when we want to interact with the player.

MPlayer's Manager

The MPlayerManager object is an object that manages the MPlayer instances. It must be used when we want to interact with the MPlayer instances.

The most important method of this object is the get(Player) method. See the next section for more information.

The public property maxLives is the maximum remaining lives for each player. It is set manually by the MSMPCore plugin. To change it, you must change the value in the config.yml file of the MSMPCore plugin.

The methods setup(Int), connectionOfPlayer(Player), importPlayersFromConfig(Player) and savePlayersInConfig(Player) should not be used by other plugins. Use it carefully.

Get a MPlayer

To get a MPlayer, you must use the MPlayerManager object and call the get(Player) method. This method has a Player in parameter. This parameter is the player that you want to get the MPlayer instance.

If the player is not registered, the method will create a new MPlayer instance and register it automatically.


val player = Bukkit.getPlayer("PlayerName") // get the player
val mplayer = MPlayerManager.get(player) // get the MPlayer instance of the player

The method isAlive() checks if the player is alive. Returns the result.

The method setImmortal() set the player's immortality.

The method toPureData() returns the MPlayer.PureData data class of the MPlayer instance. See the section about MPlayer's Pure Data for more information.

The method died(EntityDamageEvent, (Mplayer, EntityDamageEvent) -> Unit) is handling the death of the MPlayer. The first parameter is the EntityDamageEvent of the death. The second parameter is a lambda that is called when the player is dead, and he has no more lives.

The method gainANewLife((Mplayer) -> Unit) is handling when the MPlayer get a new life. The parameter is a lambda that is called when the player gain a new life after being dead.

The methods updateOnlineStatus(), MPlayer.fromPlayer(Player) and MPlayer.fromPureData(MPlayer.PureData) should not be used by other plugins. Use it carefully.

Information stored in a MPlayer

The MPlayer class stores some information about the player.

The stored information are:

  • The player's instance (Player)
  • The player's lives (MPlayer.Lives)

The MPlayer.Lives data class is a data class storing the lives of a player.

It stores the lives of the player and the maximum lives of the player.

  • maxLives - The maximum lives of the player
  • remainingLives - The remaining lives of the player

MPlayer's Pure Data

To store data about MPlayer in a config file, we use the MPlayer.PureData data class.

This data class just contains the important information about the MPlayer instance:

  • player - UUID of the Player instance
  • remainingLives - Remaining lives
  • isImmortal - Immortality status


The package world.anhgelus.msmp.msmpcore.utils contains some useful classes.


The ChatHelper object is an object that helps to send messages with a consistent style.

There are two types of static methods:

  • send...ToPlayer(Player, String)- Send a message to a player
  • send...(String)- Broadcast a message

The ... could be removed or replaced by Success, Warning, Error, Fatal or Info. Success is for a successful message, Warning for a warning, etc.

The color code is:

  • Success - ChatColor.GREEN
  • Warning - ChatColor.YELLOW
  • Error - ChatColor.RED
  • Fatal - ChatColor.DARK_RED
  • Info - ChatColor.GRAY


By default, the message parser do not help you to parse automatically a message. It handles just the death messages because it's included in the MSMPCore plugin.

The method parse(String, List<MessageParser.Parser>) is the method that you must use to parse a message. It automatically parses the message with the provided parsers.

MessageParser's Parser

A MessageParser.Parser is a data class that helps to parse a message.

This data class takes two parameters:

  • id - The id to replace (without the %)
  • replacer - The replacer of the id

Two methods is present to help you to parse the message:

  • replace(String) - Replace every id in the message by the replacer
  • generateId() - Generate the id with the % and returns it


var msg // the message to parse
val mplayer // the mplayer
val parsers = listOf(Parser("player_name", mplayer.player.displayName), Parser("player_remaining_lives",
    mplayer.lives.remaining.toString()), Parser("player_max_lives", mplayer.lives.max.toString()))
parsers.forEach(Consumer { parser -> msg = parser.replace(message) })
// msg is now parsed

This code is useless because it is already done by the MessageParser.parse(String, List<MessageParser.Parser>) method.


val message // the message to parse
val mplayer // the mplayer
val parsers = listOf(Parser("player_name", mplayer.player.displayName), Parser("player_remaining_lives",
    mplayer.lives.remaining.toString()), Parser("player_max_lives", mplayer.lives.max.toString()))
val parsed = MessageParser.parse(message, parsers)
// message is now parsed


  • Kotlin 1.8.21
  • Gradle 7
  • Spigot for Minecraft 1.19.4