mptcptrace analyze MPTCP traces
If you plan to use this tool in a publication, please use the following reference:
author = {Hesmans, Benjamin and Bonaventure, Olivier},
title = {Tracing Multipath TCP Connections},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on SIGCOMM},
series = {SIGCOMM '14},
year = {2014},
isbn = {978-1-4503-2836-4},
location = {Chicago, Illinois, USA},
pages = {361--362},
numpages = {2},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/2619239.2631453},
acmid = {2631453},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {Multipath TCP},
You can build mptctrace with:
$ ./
$ ./configure --prefix=whatever/
$ make
$ make install
I you have troubles to compile it, you can contact me.
You need to provide a pcap trace to mptcptrace with the -f
option. Mptcptrace will recognize ETH and Linux cooked header, if it's something else, you can use "-o" to tell mptctrace the offset to go to the IP header.
There is manpage in the man directory.
To get started you can try the -s
option that will output MPTCP sequence graph:
$ mptcptrace -f myDump.pcap -s
This will generate 2 xplot files for each MPTCP connection inside the trace (one to show sequences numbers from client to server (c2s) and the other to show sequences numbers from the server to the client (s2c)).
You can also try the goodput graph with -G 20
$ mptcptrace -f myDump.pcap -G 20
That will generate the gput files.
Mptcptrace let you output information into CSV format. It's easy to reuse to plot the information, make statistics, be creative.
To get the CSV output, you can use -w 2
options, and all other regular options.
$ mptcptrace -f myDump.pcap -s -w 2
Will output MPTCP sequence inforamtions in a CSV format.
One quick GNU plot script example can be found in res/scripts/gnuplot/seq_sf
$ mptcptrace -f myDump.pcap -s -w 2
$ gnuplot -e "maxsf=16" seq_sf < c2s_seq_0.csv > seq_sf.eps
$ evince seq_sf.eps
The output of the example is available in res/pics
in eps format. This graph shows the MPTCP mappings that pass trough subflows. In red you can also see, the mappings that cause reinjections, and in green on which sublfows they have been reinjected.
You can also use use the CSV format to easely convert some
graphs, for instance, we use the R
script in res/scripts/R/
to translate the flight graph.
$ mptcptrace -f myDump.pcap -F 3 -w 2 $ // prepend ts,val,met,DONT,USE,ME to c2s_flight_0.csv $ ./flightR c2s_flight_0.csv win.eps
The output is available in res/pics
in eps format.
MPTCPTRACE(1) mptcptrace Manual MPTCPTRACE(1) NAME mptcptrace - MPTCP connection analysis SYNOPSIS mptcptrace [options] -f filename DESCRIPTION mptcptrace is a tool that enable the analysis of dump that contains MPTCP capable connection(s). OPTIONS The following options are supported: -s MPTCP sequence number graph -a MPTCP ack size graph -r RTT at MPTCP level, X axis may be selected : 1 x is timestamp of the ACK arrival 2 x is timestamp of the SEQ departure 4 x is SEQ numbers To get more than one graph, just add the value. E.g. 6 would give the second and the third graph. -F MPTCP Flight size graphs. You have two kinds of MPTCP flight size graphs. 1 Shows the receive window, the MPTCP flightsize, and the sum of the TCP (sublfow) flight size. 2 Show the flight size per subflow. To get more than one graph, just add the value. -G You have to specify the size of the table to make the moving average. Small number will be closed to instantaneous goodput but may be too variable. Big numbers will lead to a smoother graph but may not reflect some holes in the connection. Measures the MPTCP good- put. The red line is the average good put since the bbegining. The blue diamond represents the moving average. -S Output statistics in a CSV format. The set of statistics is not yet well defined. -q Specify the length of the queue that contains sequence that we have to keep in memory for reinjection checking. By default this option is set to 0 which means infinite queue. If you have very long trace, you may be forced to limit the size of the queue. -o Specify the offset of the IP packet. Could be usefull if the top layer is unknown by the program. It currently recognize automat- ically ETHernet and Cooked. -w Select a writer to output the results. This option is not fully implemented. The default writer is xlot (0). 0 Output xplot files. (default) 1 Output google chart files. No fully implemented. The main reason is scability issues. Nevertheless can be used for small traces. For demo. 2 Output csv files. Can be used to plot the information with other program or post-process the output. E.g. we used this out- put to generate Gnuplot graph on the web interface. We also use this output with R. -h Print a short help and then exit. -v TODO LICENCE TODO BUGS report to [email protected] AUTHOR Benjamin Hesmans [email protected] SEE ALSO tcptrace(1),, gnuplot(1), R(1) Version 0.1 May 7, 2014 MPTCPTRACE(1)