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multi-layered terraform code layout, directory per service, region, account, remote state in S3 bucket, AWS

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This repo shows how you can organize terraform code for your infrastructure repo.

Terraform state is saved in S3 your-prefix-tfstate bucket, in multiple files, at the path like eu-west-1/ec2/dev/terraform.tfstate or us-east-1/s3/terraform.tfstate file per directory.

The idea is to have state splitted per region/service, allowing faster terraform plan/apply execution and collaboration between team members.

Locks are placed in DynamoDB, taken before plan / apply.


Install terraform

Download terraform, install it

Set TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR env var to allow plugin caching

export TF_PLUGIN_CACHE_DIR=$HOME/.terraform.d/plugin-cache

prepare an AWS account

Register new AWS account, login to AWS console, create new user in IAM, assign AdministratorAccess policy to this user (can be done by adding policy directly or to admins IAM group)

Logout as root user, login as newly created admin-user, enable MFA, generate access/secret keys, put them in aws configure --profile yourusername

Set active AWS CLI profile by exporting environment variable, this is useful is you have multiple AWS accounts

export AWS_PROFILE=yourusername

Check access by running aws s3 ls you should see no errors (and no buckets on an empty AWS account).

S3 state bucket

Go to AWS web console, create private S3 bucket yourusername-tfstate for terraform state with Bucket Versioning enabled

DynamoDB locks

Create DynamoDB, needed for locks - allow only one change at a time.

Open terraform/eu-west-1/main directory (eu-west-1 is the same as S3 bucket region)

Review .tf files there

Run terraform plan -lock=false

Check changes, if they look good, apply it with terraform apply -lock=false

Check one more time with terraform plan, you should see

No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.

Network provisioning - VPC, public subnets

Open terraform/eu-west-1/network directory

Review .tf files there, we are going to create VPC with 3 public subnets - one for each AZ

Run terraform plan

Check changes, if they look good, apply it with terraform apply

Check one more time with terraform plan, you should see

No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.

During this step, security groups limiting access to AWS entities, like EC2/ECS/RDS/etc will be added:

  • local - allow traffic inside VPC
  • ssh - allow incoming ssh traffic
  • http_https - allow incoming http/https traffic

IAM role provisioning

We need AWS to have IAM role for running container to be able to make requests to other AWS services,

Open terraform/global/iam directory

Review .tf files, in there is an IAM policy with pull permissions to ECR repo access with our app docker image

Run terraform plan

Check changes, if they look good, apply it with terraform apply

ECS cluster

One of the ways of running dockerized apps in AWS is to use ECS cluster, it is managed container orchestrator. Let's create ECS cluster named app-dev

Open terraform/eu-west-1/ecs/app directory

Review .tf files, in there is a definition of app-dev ECS cluster

Run terraform plan

Check changes, if they look good, apply it with terraform apply

Create flask app, build and push app docker image

Sample app code is in app/ directory, open it by cd app

Login to AWS ECR used by your AWS account id

export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
aws ecr get-login-password --region=eu-west-1|docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $`

Build docker image and push it to ECR If we will not specify the image tag, the default tag :latest will be used, this is considered bad practice and should be avoided

export hash=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
docker build -t $$hash app/
docker push $$hash

or just run app/

Create Load balancer, listener

To receive traffic from internet, we need to create LoadBalancer, listener (by protocol - HTTP/HTTPS)

open terraform/eu-west-1/lb directory, review .tf files

Run terraform plan

Check changes, if they look good, apply it with terraform apply

Create listener rule, target group

To run task in ECS we need to create task definition, service, and attach service to load balancer via target group.

The idea below is to keep infrastructure code (target group, LB listener rules) separated from the app code (task and service definitions), the should be split to different repos.

Infrastructure code located in terraform/eu-west-1/ecs/app, target group and load balancer listener rules defined there.

Open terraform/eu-west-1/ecs/app directory, Review .tf files

Run terraform plan

Check changes, if they look good, apply it with terraform apply

DNS (not covered)

For app to be available from the Internet, need to have desired hostname resolved to the LB by setting DNS record: CNAME

Deploy application - first time

cd app/deploy
terraform apply -var image_tag=$hash

Deploy updates to the application

Make some changes in the app, like change "Hello world" to "Hello container" in Test and commit changes, so git commit hash will change

Rebuild app image by running app/ or manually

export hash=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
docker build --tag $$hash app/
docker push $$hash

Deploy new version, updated image

cd app/deploy
terraform apply -var image_tag=$hash

Go to ECS, select our app-dev cluster, flask-app service, check that tasks are running with new image

Open web page app


multi-layered terraform code layout, directory per service, region, account, remote state in S3 bucket, AWS







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