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=== Markdeep Block ===
Contributors:      neffff
Tags:              markdown, markdeep, diagrams, graphics, mathjax, latex, block
Requires at least: 5.0
Requires PHP:      7.0
Tested up to:      6.0
Stable tag:        0.0.2
License:           GPL-2.0-or-later
License URI:

Markdeep Block is a WordPress plugin for adding Gutenberg blocks supporting Markdeep syntax.

== Description ==

> "Markdeep is ideal for design documents, specifications, README files, code documentation, lab reports, blogs, and technical web pages. Because the source is plain text, Markdeep works well with software development toolchains."
>  --

> "Markdeep is a text formatting syntax that extends Markdown, and a JavaScript program for making it work in browsers. The two most powerful features are its ability to run in any web browser on the client side and the inclusion of diagrams."
>  --

This plugin adds a gutenberg block supporting the [markdeep]( language. The editor shows both a plaintext
area for composing the text, and a preview area to display the rendered block.

### MathJax & CDN

In order to support [MathJax][mj] features, the MathJax library is loaded from an external [CDN (cdnjs/cloudflare)](

> does not collect, maintain, distribute, purchase, or sell personal data of any kind, and uses no cookies or other tracking
> or advertising techniques.
> Likewise, the MathJax software does not track you, and uses local storage only to maintain your preferences as set by the MathJax contextual menu.
> --

If you do not change the CDN you will be subject to cloudflare's [terms][] & [privacy policy][].

This CDN can be changed with a one-line script.  (Alternately, use the WordPress plugin file editor to uncomment a similar line in
`markdeep-block.php`). _In the future this should be an exposed configuration option._

To override the CDN use:

// Markdeep currently uses version 2.7.6
add_filter( 'markdeepblock_mathjax_url', fn($u) => '[email protected]/unpacked/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML' );

[privacy policy]:

### Planned features

* UI to configure CDN for JS resources (Markdeep, MathJax).
* Configurable style per block.
* Drop-down style selection of styles (globally & per-block).
* Get MathJax commands working in editor. _(MathJax currently works in posts)._
* Markdeep specific LaTeX/MathJax macros. (e.g. θ₀, θ₁, etc.)
* Configurable MathJax macros.
* Optional Table of Contents (currently suppressed)

### Logo

The logo is derived from [Dustin Curtis's](

== Installation ==

This plugin can be installed through the normal processes: the WordPress plugin directory, (hopefully) the WordPress block
directory, and a manual installation.

1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/markdeep-block` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Can you make diagrams with this? =

Yes, in fact it's all done with text! See the [markdeep site]( for specific

== Screenshots ==

1. Open the block by typing "/markdeep" (or use the sidebar and search)
1. When editing the block, there are 2 views.  Use the upper area for writing, and the lower for displaying the diagram.
1. When the block is not selected, it will be displayed as it should be seen on the site.
1. As seen on my test site.

== Changelog ==

= 0.0.2 =
* Update to markdeep 1.15

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 0.0.2 =
Update markdeep to 1.15


Gutenberg/WordPress block for Markdeep






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