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Repository files navigation frontend


# Build and start the container
docker compose up -d

# Install Node modules
npm install

# Create a static assets directory
mkdir app/static/assets

# Copy in the static assets from TNA Frontend and Plyr
cp -r node_modules/@nationalarchives/frontend/nationalarchives/assets/* app/static/assets

Environment variables

In addition to the base Docker image variables, this application has support for:

Variable Purpose Default
CONFIG The configuration to use config.Production
DEBUG If true, allow debugging[^1] False
SENTRY_DSN The Sentry DSN (project code) none
SENTRY_JS_ID The ID of the Sentry client project to catch issues none
SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE How often to sample traces and profiles (0-1.0) production: 0.1, staging: 0.25, develop: 1, test: 0
WAGTAIL_API_URL The base URL of the content API, including the /api/v2 path none
WAGTAILAPI_LIMIT_MAX The maximum number of items requested from the Wagtail API in one call 20
COOKIE_DOMAIN The domain to save cookie preferences against none
CSP_IMG_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for img-src 'self'
CSP_SCRIPT_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for script-src 'self'
CSP_SCRIPT_SRC_ELEM A comma separated list of CSP rules for script-src-elem 'self'
CSP_STYLE_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for style-src 'self'
CSP_STYLE_SRC_ELEM A comma separated list of CSP rules for style-src-elem 'self'
CSP_FONT_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for font-src 'self'
CSP_CONNECT_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for connect-src 'self'
CSP_MEDIA_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for media-src 'self'
CSP_WORKER_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for worker-src 'self'
CSP_FRAME_SRC A comma separated list of CSP rules for frame-src 'self'
CSP_FEATURE_FULLSCREEN A comma separated list of rules for the fullscreen feature policy 'self'
CSP_FEATURE_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE A comma separated list of rules for the picture-in-picture feature policy 'self'
FRAME_DOMAIN_ALLOW A domain from which to allow frame embedding (used in CMS previews) none
FORCE_HTTPS Redirect requests to HTTPS as part of the CSP none
CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT The number of seconds to cache pages for production: 300, staging: 60, develop: 0, test: 0
CACHE_DIR Directory for storing cached responses when using FileSystemCache /tmp
GA4_ID The Google Analytics 4 ID none
APPLY_REDIRECTS If true, redirect pages based on Wagtail redirects (false just displays) production/staging/develop: True, test: False

[^1] Debugging in Flask

Running tests

poetry run python -m pytest