To launch the project in development mode, follow these steps:
Ensure you have Docker (version 24.0.5 or later) and Docker Compose (version 2.20.2 or later) installed on your system. If you need to install or update these tools, follow the official installation guides:
Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.
Copy the
file to create a new.env
file in the root directory:cp .env.example .env
This file contains necessary environment variables. Review and modify the values as needed for your local setup.
Build and start the services:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up --build
Once the services are up and running, you can access:
- The API at
- The Hasura GraphQL console at
- The Traefik dashboard at
- The Flower service to monitor running tasks at
- The API at
To stop the services, use:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml down
Note: The development setup includes hot-reloading for the API, Hasura console access, and exposed ports for easy debugging.
You can dump the complete database with the following command:
docker compose exec -T db pg_dump -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB > dump.sql
or just the public schema (excluding PostGIS tables and tables used by Hasura) from the database with:
docker compose exec db pg_dump -U $POSTGRES_USER -d $POSTGRES_DB\
--schema-only \
--schema=public \
--exclude-table=spatial_ref_sys \
--exclude-table=geography_columns \
--exclude-table=geometry_columns \
--exclude-table=raster_columns \
--exclude-table=raster_overviews \
--exclude-table=users \
--exclude-table=follows \
--exclude-table=posts \
Database conceptual data model can be preview at the following URL:
Schéma du flow de l'import des données
flowchart TD
0((Start Import))--> IDDB(initialize duckDB)
IDDB --DuckDB Table ready--> DDT[/DuckDB Table/]
DDT --> LRF(Load Raw file)
LRF --> DDTF[/DuckDB Table filled/]
DDTF --medias--> SRU(Compute Sound Records UUIDs)
DDTF --metadata--> ADO(*Add default organization*)
ADO --> ADU(*Add default main user*)
ADU --> ADD(*Add default main dataset*)
ADD --> ADC(*Add default main collection*)
DDTF --taxonomie--> TR(Moulinette taxref)
TR --taxonomie: dataframe--> TRV[/*Taxonomie Récupérée et Vérifiée*/]
TRV --> TDB(*Taxonomie en DuckDB*)
SRU --calcul évènements--> E[/Evenements générés/]
E --> JTM{Jointure}
JTM --> JJM{Jointure}
JJM --> DBR(((DuckDB Ready)))
DBR --(prototypée mais non développée)--> Postgres