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Puppet External Node Classifiers

This repository contains the code for a simple puppet external node classifier. This classifier uses a REST API to control the classifier, and can easily be added to the puppet server helm deployment. This will allow you to group nodes based on hostname patters, or explicitly on their hostnames. You can add users to managed the default patters, or manage hosts.

Using puppet-enc

You can start the code on your local machine:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Pr you can use docker:

docker run --name enc --volume ${PWD}/enc:/app/data --ports 8080:8080 ncsa/puppet-enc

In both cases you can access the code at http://localhost:8080

Or you can use this with puppet helm chart by adding the following snippet to your values.yaml file (to enable enc) and use the deploy.yaml file to deploy puppet-enc in the cluster.

    enabled: true
    configmaps: |
        cat << EOF > /
        curl -s -u puppet:viewer http://enc:8080/enc/hosts/\$1
        chmod 755 /
        /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet config set node_terminus "exec"
        /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet config set external_nodes "/"

Rest API

Following is a list of the REST endpoints. They will interact on individual hosts, group of hosts, users and miscalanous actions. All functions require a username and password. Users will have one of the following three roles, and certain actions require certain roles:

  • admin: users in this group can do all actions on all objects
  • user: can modify hosts
  • viewer: can view hosts


This will return output specified in the complete example of the puppet documentation.
  - profile::base
  environment: production
    project: moonshot

GET /hosts (admin, user or viewer)

Return a list of all hosts declared, this will not return hosts specified in the groups.

curl -s -u user:user http://localhost:5000/hosts

GET /hosts/:fqdn (admin, user or viewer)

Return the classifier for a single host, or matches a host the group definition. If none is found it will return the default group definition.

curl -s -u user:user http://localhost:5000/hosts/

POST /hosts (admin or user)

Create a new host entry. This requires two fields, the fqdn and the host classifier as a yaml document

# if does not exist this will use the default template
curl -s -o template.yaml http://localhost:5000/host/
curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5000/hosts -d --data-urlencode [email protected]

PUT /hosts/:fqdn (admin, user or viewer)

Updates a host definition. If the key of the property is either environment or classe it will update that field, otherwise it will asume it is a parameter. If the field is a list you can remove a single entry by prefixing that value with a -.

curl -X PUT -s -u user:user http://localhost:5000/hosts/ -d classes=special -d classes=-old

DELETE /hosts/:fqdn (admin)

Deletes a host definition. This will only delete a specific host, not remove the host from a group.

curl -X DELETE -s -u user:user http://localhost:5000/hosts/


Groups will allow you to use patterns and multiple hosts to define a classifier. For example this can be used to match all web servers, etc. The group definition is almost the same as a host classifier, with the extra field hosts which is used to match hosts. The special group definition default will be used for hosts that are not matched. All hosts mentioned in the default host are ignored.

  environment: production
  hosts: []
    project: undefined

GET /groups (admin, user or viewer)

Return a list of all groups declared.

curl -s -u user:user http://localhost:5000/groups

GET /groups/:name (admin, user or viewer)

Return the group definition for the specified name.

curl -s -u user:user http://localhost:5000/groups/default

POST /groups (admin)

Create a new group entry. This requires two fields, the name and the group definition as a yaml document.

curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5000/groups -d name=webservers --data-urlencode [email protected]

PUT /groups/:name (admin)

Updates a group definition. If the key of the property is either environment, classes or hosts it will update that field, otherwise it will asume it is a parameter. If the field is a list you can remove a single entry by prefixing that value with a -.

curl -X PUT -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5000/groups/webservers -d classes=webservers

DELETE /groups/:name (admin)

Deletes a group definition. It is not possible to delete the default group.

curl -X DELETE -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5000/groups/webservers


Get user, if the user is not an admin they can only get their own info.

  password: pbkdf2:sha256:260000$EUBvsZZ0H6bTEDH9$f31057490735a2b6fcb4c8dab9e1c08ddb879a8347a3bd39c7ab0a6fdf94ec8a
  - user

GET /users (admin)

Return a list of all users declared.

curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5000/users

GET /users/:username (admin, user or viewer)

Return the user definition for the specified username. If the user is not an admin, only their own user information can be returned.

curl -s -u user:user http://localhost:5000/users/user

POST /users (admin)

Create a new user. This requires two fields, the username and the password. It is possible to specify the roles of the user as well, if no roles are specified the user is assigned the role viewer.

curl -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5000/users -d username=bob -d password=foo -d roles=user

PUT /users/:username (admin)

Updates a user definition. In th case of roles you can remove a single entry by prefixing that value with a -. It is not possible to change the username

curl -X PUT -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5000/users/bob -d roles=admin

DELETE /users/:username (admin)

Deletes a group definition. It is not possible to delete the default group.

curl -X DELETE -s -u admin:admin http://localhost:5000/users/bob


GET /healtz

Used to check if the endpoint is alive. Will always return OK.