The main file is the Main_Sequence_Variability.ipynb notebook. It has several examples
- overview of the autocorrelation functions and its connection with the parameters of the power spectrum density (high-frequency slope and timescale of the break)
- overview of the analytical results of the measured width of the Main Sequence, as a function of the parameters of the power spectrum density
- Figure 6 from the paper, showing the relation between the intrinsic Main Sequence and measured Main Sequence, in a toy model
- Analytical result for the Figure 7 from the manuscript, showing how we recover the parameters of the PSD from observations, in a toy model.
Dependencies are pandas, tqdm and DELCgen (
- - module with definitions for Main_Sequence_Variability.ipynb
ACFTableLargeNov10.csv - tabulated auto-correlation functions, used in the analytical analysis
CreateACFTableFlatten.nb - code used to create tabulated auto-correlation functions