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AnsPress is the most complete question and answer system for WordPress. AnsPress is made with developers in mind, highly customizable. AnsPress provide an easy to use override system for theme


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AnsPress - Question and answer

Contributors: nerdaryan
Donate link:[email protected]&cmd=_xclick&item_name=Donation%20to%20AnsPress%20development
Tags: question, answer, q&a, forum, profile, stackoverflow, quora, buddypress
Requires at least: 4.2
Tested up to: 4.3
Stable tag: 2.3.6
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Free question and answer plugin for WordPress. Made with developers in mind, highly customizable.


Demo & support forum: GitHub repo: Git AnsPress

Easily add question and answer section like or in your WordPress. AnsPress is a most complete question and answer system for WordPress. AnsPress is made with developers in mind, highly customizable. AnsPress provide an easy to use override system for theme.


Developers tool

List of features:

  • Notification
  • Featured Question
  • Sorting question and answer by many options.
  • Ajax based form submission
  • Theme system
  • Flag and moderate posts
  • Voting on question and answer
  • Question tags and categories
  • Question labels (i.e. Open, close, duplicate) new labels can be added easily.
  • Select best answer
  • Tags suggestions
  • Comment on question and answer
  • reCaptcha
  • User level : Participant, Editor, Moderator
  • Email notification
  • User can add questions to his favorite
  • User can edit profile
  • User can upload cover photo
  • Friends and followers system
  • User points system (reputation)

Help & Support

For fast help and support, please post on our forum

Page Shortcodes

Use this shortcode in base to AnsPress work properly [anspress]


Read full documentation here

Frequently Asked Questions

Read full FAQ here


1. Question list page.

Question list page.

2. Single question page.

Single question page.

3. User profile

User profile

4. User hover card

User hover card

5. Users directory

Users directory

6. Notifications





  • Updated paged variable when in home page
  • Removed unused arg
  • Fixed pagination on home page
  • Restore question history after deleting answer
  • Upload field triggered twice
  • All links of user menu not shown if in other profile page
  • Updated french translation by Shad
  • User active time shown as Last seen 46 years ago
  • Escaped cover photo url
  • Added option for disabling user menu collapse
  • Improved user page and stats
  • Registered user widget position
  • Added widget wrapper div
  • Warning: Illegal string offset ‘file’
  • Get paged args in user loop
  • Fixed infinite loop in question page


  • Added option for toggle [solved] prefix
  • Added custom follow button text
  • Improved user meta function
  • Return default cover when there is not cover photo


  • Fallback for form if JS/Ajax fails
  • Moved upload field before filter, so it can be filtered
  • enqueue script dependency
  • Italian translation .mo missing #305
  • Allow empty question description when limit is set to 0
  • Added a filter to disable logging IP for view count
  • Remove notification item after ajax delete
  • Fix for "anonymous ask" and "only admin can answer" option conflict
  • Multiple click on comments open more then one comment field
  • Added responsive styles for question page
  • Fix for Icon fonts are not rendering
  • Added responsive styles for question list
  • Change subscribe to "subscribe" to "follow question"
  • Password cannot be chnaged
  • Fixed warning on buddyPress pages
  • Improved question loop to use global
  • Unsubscribe is not working
  • Added option for disabling vote down
  • Update POT
  • Fixed ago translation
  • Notice: ap_questions_tab is deprecated
  • Comment is not shown after editing
  • Syntax error: unrecognized expression
  • Notice: Trying to get property of non-object
  • Improved login and answer tab UI
  • Moved question.php inside loop
  • Added filter for main question query
  • Wrong variable $ap_rules
  • Added filters for overriding question and answer CPT
  • Added after sorting callback
  • Added french translation by Romain DELOUF
  • Sanitized ap_sort


  • Mark notification as read after viewing
  • Upvotes are misinterpreted as Downvotes in User’s Reputation page
  • Reputation notification should hyperlinked to user’s reputation page
  • Dont show follow button for own profile
  • Grammatical error: comment to commented
  • fix: division by zero warning in about page
  • User profile fields empty, account tab redirect to admin profile.
  • Polish language updated to 2.3


  • Updated version and pot
  • Improved categories page
  • Close question after selecting if option enabled
  • Notification as dropdown
  • Redirect user to login page if non loggedin user try to visit profile
  • Error message on description field is overlapped by upload field
  • How to ask tab
  • Add category and tags filter in question list
  • Added category sorting
  • Improve category widget
  • Image upload size
  • add option to disable hover card
  • added users widget
  • Paragraph in comments
  • improved method update_menu_url
  • Add [solved] in question title
  • User page show anonymous when permalink not enabled
  • Allow filtering page slug
  • Fixed UI and typo issues* Don't check for basic roles
  • Updated plugin version
  • Fixed minor and major bugs
  • Notification system
  • Fixed breadcrumbs for user pages
  • The breadcrumb on the base page is duplicating
  • if recaptcha is enabled and keys missing then show warning
  • Added user dropdown menu item
  • User hover card
  • Added cover upload
  • Improved user pages
  • Improved coding standards
  • Removed plugin-activation.php
  • fixed Complexity in codes
  • Added "more" in user menu
  • Add subscribe page for user
  • Add subscribe page for user
  • Improved question query clauses
  • member search
  • Question sorting tab to select
  • Added vote count meta
  • Added followers widget
  • Added followers and following count meta
  • Improved users loop,
  • Added followers page button
  • Added users sorting by answers and best answers
  • Added users sorting by last active
  • Users page tab UI improvement
  • fixed avatar
  • Added last seen meta
  • Added profile views
  • User registered date
  • Improved reputation chart data
  • fixed reputation count
  • added user question and answer meta
  • Avatar upload ajax error
  • Added about page
  • Added reputation page
  • User reputation loop
  • Improved user profile fields
  • fix canonical url when wpseo plugin installed
  • Title conflict when wpseo plugin installed
  • Removed base from permalink when ap_page is base
  • Direct user link
  • [fix] Auto flush rewrite rule when base page updated
  • [fix] include current users post in list
  • [fix] Safe CSS attributes
  • [theme] Login popup improved
  • [fix] Image uploader not working in webkit browser
  • [theme]Added login modal
  • [fix] Max images per post option as number
  • [fix] ap_the_answer_content on bp_init
  • [fix] Load BP hooks on bp_init
  • [fix] conical and short link in head
  • [new] Added Crayon Syntax Highlighter button
  • [new] Add tinymce Autogrow
  • [improved] Image upload in posts
  • Check file exist before triggering error
  • Check for category and tags extension
  • [new] Hide how to answer tab if no page selected
  • Allowed support for GitHub Updater plugin
  • [fix] Do not log view in meta table if already viewed or anonymous
  • [fix] View counts updated for every page view
  • [fix] Strip shortcode from Answer and question
  • [fix] Format get cleared while editing
  • [fix] remove extra white space from contents
  • [fix] Editor toggle in answer form
  • [fix] Switch editors not working in ask form, image upload in quick-tag editor
  • [fix] Buddypress hooks
  • [fix] Image upload not working
  • updated plugin.json
  • [fix] missing colon
  • fixed translation function to the wordpress one
  • fixed translation issue cussed by missing gettext function
  • fixed translation function to the wordpress one
  • added translation support for author credits
  • [fix] require loading wrong path
  • [new] Featured question (sticky post)
  • [added] Improved subscriber system, allow community to subscribe for tags and categories
  • [translation] Spanish-Spain by Pelayo de Salvador Morell
  • [translation] German translation added by
  • [fix] db table prefix
  • Updated languages/ap.pot
  • Added about page
  • Updated dashboard
  • [option] label update: Asker can answer
  • [fix] Form error message below input field
  • [fix] minor doc bug fixes
  • [fix] Minor and major issues
  • [fix] DB error in Answer sorting
  • [fix] BuddyPress reputation count shows 1
  • [new] load minified assets
  • [theme] Improved admin dashboard
  • [added] Added breadcrumbs widget
  • [new] Breadcrumbs function
  • [fix] Improve popup notification style
  • [fix] Don't show delete button if question is already trashed


  • Form error message below input field
  • DB error in Answer sorting
  • While try to edit answer format get cleared
  • BuddyPress reputation count shows 1
  • Load minified assets
  • Improved admin dashboard
  • popup add link box in tinymce cuts off content.
  • Add breadcrumbs widget
  • Add breadcrumbs function
  • Improve popup notification style
  • Dont show delete button if post already trashed
  • Add permanenet delete button from frontend
  • error 404 when no trailing slash
  • highlight trashed post
  • Changes author when editing a question
  • Private answers are not visible to its author
  • Improve editor mode toggle buttons
  • Add loading animation in post/edit comment button
  • Improve subscribe button
  • disable view count ap_meta entry
  • Add icons in stats widget
  • Check comments as general user
  • Show question filter tab on Category and Tag pages
  • BuddyPress not working
  • Short category dropdown in ask form as defined
  • Rename "voted" tab to vote
  • Unsolved also shows questions with selected answers
  • On Single Question page , Active | Voted | Newest | Oldest should be ajax based
  • Ask page title option not working
  • Dont let reputation to be negative
  • Improve UI of button
  • Add sticky answer navigation
  • Comment loading shows success
  • Add answer form help content
  • Improve answer form UI
  • Added fullscreen toggle in Answer form
  • Improve UI of question page
  • Check UI of comments when comments are shown by default
  • Change font weight of question and answer action links
  • Improve UI of comments
  • Pending comment is highlighted
  • Add comment author name and time
  • Commentrs are not subscribed by default
  • User is not unsubscribed when his comment or answer is deleted
  • Anonymous cant answer if question is created by anonymous
  • Reputation showing wrong count
  • white space when user don't have permission to view answers
  • Improve admin answer table
  • Improve admin question table
  • Added image from link in question and answer
  • Add image uploader in question and answer


  • [option] added option for toggling question sidebar
  • [fix] Search widget and form
  • [fix] Check if array
  • [fix] anspress trash action hooks
  • [fix] Add translation support for "ago"-string #283
  • [fix] User can't edit his own answer
  • [fix] Some documentation error


  • [fix] minor bugs
  • [fix] Check undefined in ap_get_avatar_scr()
  • [new] Added avatar upload
  • [fix] ask and answer form button on update
  • [fix] Hide close test in editor modal
  • [fix] added blockquote style in editor
  • [fix] Dropdown not work for ajax content


  • [fix] allowed style align property
  • [fix] allowed strikethorugh (del) tag for editor
  • [fix] Allowed ul, ol, li tags in editor
  • [new] Added filter for ask and answer form editors
  • [fix] "status updated" message when post status get updated
  • [fix] Answers shorting
  • [fix] sanitize_text_field breaks loading question with non-ansi symbols in url #281


  • Tested with WP 4.2
  • [option] Toggle question permalink


  • Minor issues fixed


  • [new]adding user profile fields
  • [theme] improved button
  • [fix] Questions widget #279
  • [fix] let admin answer even if question is closed
  • [fix] Answer permalink #279
  • [fix] Possible XSS vulnerability
  • [theme] added default widget in question sidebar
  • [fix] dropdown #279
  • [new] subscribe on own question
  • [fix] User page not found if space in user_name #274
  • [theme] Answer form
  • [fix] Answers pagination
  • [fix] chnage_status to change_status #278
  • [fix] Answers loop and count
  • [new] Ajaxified change status
  • [new] Change post status
  • [theme] added post status sticker
  • [fix] Query "private_post" and "moderate" only if user have permission
  • Padding for no-questions element
  • [theme] Question list meta improved
  • [theme] Improved single question page layout
  • [theme] question page layout
  • [fix] Answer loop
  • [added] search form before questions list
  • Updated question permalink, removed base page
  • Replaced .anspress-container to #anspress
  • [fix] Bugs
  • [removed] Unused file responce_message.php
  • [fix] 12 major bugs
  • [fix] Removed var dump
  • [fix] Major bugs
  • [fix] Question and answer moderation
  • [new] user question and answer page
  • User posts styled
  • [new] User posts page added
  • Improved question query and loop
  • [fix] Shows login message when user dont have permission to ask or answer
  • [added] user page, initial.min.js
  • Improved user menu
  • [added] option for toggle user directory page
  • user link improved
  • [fix] Sorting user by reputation
  • [fix] page titles
  • [added] styles for users loop
  • [added] option for "users per page"
  • [added] user page and loop
  • [added] Option for toggling reputations
  • [fix] 404 causing infinite loop
  • Added ap_ prefix


  • [fix] Removed anonymous function for older version compatibility
  • Improved user answers list
  • [Added] do_action( 'wordpress_social_login' );
  • Removed history loading after plugin initiate
  • [fix] History
  • [disabled] ap_post_votes() for each post to decrease DB query
  • Added trailing slash in question url to prevent 301 redirect
  • [fix] Related questions was missing
  • Order reputation by date


  • [fix] AnsPress options
  • [fix] hide any existing loding animation
  • [fix] Wrong redirect after deleting question
  • [added] ap_get_all_reputation
  • Updated admin menu position
  • Loading animation for select button
  • [added] loading animation and improved notification


  • Check empty comment before posting
  • refresh question suggestion on backspace
  • Include previous version point count
  • Remove unused options


  • Rename old tags
  • Added category widget
  • Added widget position in base page
  • fix button sizes
  • Added two options; - Disable OP to answer their question (not applied for admin) - Disallow multiple answer per question 9not applied for admin) [fix] - Show wrong message when user already answered
  • fixed voting button on answer
  • Added requirement checker
  • [fix] undefined index
  • Removed unused functions
  • Load buddypress file on bp_loaded
  • Added notification for answers and comments
  • fixed some major bugs
  • added doc comments for anspress_sc
  • Added parameters for [anspress] shortcode
  • [fix] sorting on home page
  • [fix] run flush_rules only ap_opt('ap_flush') == 'true'
  • Best practice issues
  • Don't let reputation to negative
  • flush apmeta when related post gets deleted
  • [fix] delete flag meta on post trash
  • fixed bug in reputation.php
  • Improved question page style
  • Improved list style
  • added reputation page in buddypress
  • Disable reputation for anonymous
  • Check metions in answers
  • Check mention in questions
  • Added reputation and fixed meta delete
  • replace action link
  • [new] add question and answer to buddypress activity stream
  • [fix] pagination in buddypress
  • Added answers in buddypress
  • Added questions tab in buddypress
  • Detect buddypress and change user link to BP profile
  • removed .updated class
  • Added captcha in Answer form
  • Added reCaptcha
  • Styled editor
  • Added questions list widget
  • hook option on admin_init
  • #262 Disable quicktags in questions
  • [fix] related questions widget
  • Improved subscribe button
  • Exclude best answer from main Answers_Query
  • [fix] Answer sorting
  • Added author credit
  • Clear editor after posting answer
  • Added option to disable voting
  • Update comment count on new comment
  • Auto update comment count
  • Added publish class in time
  • Fix answer count in answers list
  • [fix] ajax loading comments in answers
  • [fix] ajax loading after editing comment
  • Posts actions as dropdown menu
  • Checkbox inline description
  • [fix] allow anonymous for answer
  • Removed editor toggle and moved media button
  • Added option showing title in question page
  • Fixed ajax loading while answer is first.
  • Added .published class in time
  • Fixed user link
  • Lost MEDIA library option from admins menu
  • Updated style
  • declare the visibility for methods
  • Added uninstall hook
  • Removed unused files
  • [fix] questions page paging rewrite
  • Missing argument 2 for AnsPress_Theme::the_title()
  • Improved admin style and added option for locking delete action
  • Show CPT menu for delete_pages
  • Show AnsPress menu if user have manage_options
  • Load shortcode on init
  • Held for moderation
  • Fixed some bugs and added grunt
  • [fix] Subscribe button
  • Fixed conflicts with profile
  • [fix] use question title in answer title
  • Made it compatible with profile plugin
  • [fix] Rewrite rule when base page is child page
  • Disable comments option added
  • [fix] Question detail is appearing for all posts
  • [fix] Search page
  • Added anspress menu
  • [fix] form get cleared even if there is error
  • [fix] Toggle private post
  • [fix] Language files were not loading
  • Added option for switching text editor as default
  • [fix] TwentyFifteen compatibility
  • Show this label "No questions match your search criteria" when nothing found in search
  • Improved question list
  • Improved dashboard
  • Added question select
  • Improved flagging system
  • Disallow answer for closed question
  • Add private question & moderate sticker in question
  • Enable question sidebar only if there is widget in it
  • Flag button fixed
  • Hide comments be default
  • Added related questions widget
  • Added question stats widget
  • Added participants and subscribe widget
  • Improved question and list page style
  • Added action and filter for search
  • Added search functionality
  • Removed user.php and added required functions to functions.php
  • Enable user link only if user extension installed
  • Added extensions listing
  • [fix] replaced icon- class to apicon-
  • Check array before output menu
  • [fix] Editing own comment only possible after refresh
  • [removed] ap-site.js
  • [new] Dynamic option group and fields
  • Removed main.php
  • Removed messages.php
  • [fix] Participants caps were empty
  • [fix] After deleting a question, troublesome redirection
  • Improved form validation
  • Added vote and view meta in list
  • [fix] show register or login message for non-logged in
  • [fix] Annonymous is unchecked in the backend but user can still ask question
  • [fix] link of ask question button when there is no question
  • [fixed] Answer permalink
  • [fixed] Participant is not being inserted to DB
  • [fixed] After comment actions are not working
  • [fixed] Entering space in ask question title field show all questions
  • [fixed] User page ap_meta_array_map function missing
  • [fix]When AnsPress is set to home page then sorting does not work
  • Rename sort query arg to ap_sort
  • [fixed] unsolved question listing
  • [fixed] Answer count update on ajax request
  • [fixed] Wrong answer count
  • [fixed] delete button
  • [fixed] Select best answer
  • [fixed] JS and ajax request
  • [fixed] Answer form validation
  • [fixed] Ajax answer submission
  • [removed] Installation screen and cleaned up codes.


  • Made compatible with WordPress 4.1.1


AnsPress is the most complete question and answer system for WordPress. AnsPress is made with developers in mind, highly customizable. AnsPress provide an easy to use override system for theme







No packages published


  • PHP 61.7%
  • CSS 28.5%
  • JavaScript 6.4%
  • HTML 3.4%