A CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System) server with a variety of included drivers, USB support, support for the Home Assistant installation's TLS certificate, and mDNS broadcasting enabled. This was created primarily to support Home Assistant installations on devices with x86 architecture, such as AMD/Intel-based thin clients. The installed driver packages focus on HP and Brother printer support. Avahi has been configured to support AirPrint via reflector mode.
This has been tested with Home Assistant Core 2023.9.
SSL must be disabled within the CUPS portal to prevent 502 Bad Gateway errors. This has already been set within the default cupsd.conf.
The CUPS portal can be viewed at http://localhost:631 (e.g. http://homeassistant:631). HA Ingress support is patchy due to non-SSL, so expect the sidebar panel functionality to not work (blank pages, etc).
The default admin login credentials are username = "print" and password = "print". This can be altered within the Dockerfile as required.
USB printers should be connected to the host device prior to starting this addon. If disconnected/connected during runtime, simply restart the addon.
cupsd.conf and Dockerfile modified from https://github.com/lemariva/wifi-cups-server Some of the Avahi and D-Bus code is modified from https://github.com/marthoc/docker-homeseer