Releases: nishihatapalmer/byteseek
Releases · nishihatapalmer/byteseek
v2.0.2 - use v2.0.3 instead.
Minor bug fixes, more tests and updates to Javadoc.
- Fix for SetBinarySearchMatcher matching methods.
- Several utility packages have been moved from the top level to the utils package, to simplify the package structure.
- Some classes were moved to fix dependency issues, particularly around the automata package and byte matchers.
Note: version of pom is incorrect in this release - it's still at 2.0.2-SNAPSHOT.
- Fix for generating regular expressions in some matchers.
Some of the matchers were inverting expressions twice (two ^ rather than one).
First release of byteseek 2.0
The first release of byteseek 2.0.
The previous 1.x versions of byteseek used a different method of accessing the data to match and search, by making a function call on each read of a byte. It also assumed that the length of an input source was known prior to matching or searching. The 2.0 version makes the following major changes:
- An IO package allows efficient random access across a variety of different input sources, caching the byte arrays using pluggable caching strategies.
- All implementations of matching and searching are stream-friendly - it is not necessary to know the length of an input source before matching or searching across it (unless you explicitly want to work at the end of the stream).
- Many of the packages and interfaces have been re-arranged to make the code structure clearer and reduce dependencies between them.
- Lots of tests and lots of minor bugs fixed.
- The packages are now in net.byteseek, rather than net.domesdaybook. You can therefore run 1.x and 2.x versions side by side without name conflicts, if you should want to.