njnmdoc is a static site generator, implemented in Python, descending
from the enduring program, jemdoc
Python 3
(Many thanks to Ganesh Ajjanagadde, who originally made most of the changes for Python 3 compatibility.)
- markdown
- KaTex
- configuration via python
- Python 2 support removed
The focus of the implementation of the additional features was to "make them just work," so the implementation is suboptimal, both in terms of performance and style.
Still, several users and I find jemdoc+MathJax is quite stable and does the job correctly :-)
Wonseok Shin
True then, and true now.
jemdoc is a light text-based markup language designed for creating websites. It takes a text file written with jemdoc markup, an optional configuration file and an optional menu file, and makes static websites that look something like http://jemdoc.jaboc.net/.
It was written by me, Jacob Mattingley, in 2007, and definitely isn't the type of code I would put on my CV. Lots of people use jemdoc, especially in academia.
Much more info at http://jemdoc.jaboc.net/.