This is a visual drag and drop desktop editor focused on interacting with johnny-five firmatta and hardware through nodejs. It will enable you to create programs to stream and control hardward from your desktop without having to type a lot.
This project is a community driven project and is primarily driven to give children a simple way to connect to their hardware projects, using a drag and drop style editor experience.
This application will be built using the following technologies
- javascript
- nodejs
- pouchdb
- material-design-lite
- blockly
- electron
The app will be a desktop application and will be cross-platform, so it should support Windows, Mac, and Linux
[Add Screenshot here]
- Windows
- MacOSX
- Linux
npm Install
npm start
[nbd-edit] follows semantic versioning. To see a changelog with all [nbd-edit] releases, check out the Github releases page.
For a concise list of breaking changes, there's the wiki list of breaking changes.
We're always looking for new contributors! If you'd like to try your hand at writing code, writing documentation, designing the website, writing a blog post, or answering questions on StackOverflow, then we'd love to have your input.
If you have a pull request that you'd like to submit, please read the contributing guide for info on style, commit message format, and other (slightly!) nitpicky things like that. nbd-edit is heavily tested, so you'll also want to check out the testing guide.