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Statically typed programming language for the web

Taste of Nois

use std::{ math::pi, iter::MapAdapter }

trait Area {
    fn area(self): Float

type Shape {
    Rect(width: Float, height: Float),
    Circle(radius: Float),

impl Area for Shape {
    fn area(self): Float {
        match self {
            Shape::Rect(width, height) { width * height }
            Shape::Circle(radius) { pi * radius ^ 2. }

pub fn main() {
    let shapes: List<Shape> = [
        Shape::Rect(width: 4., height: 2.),
        Shape::Circle(radius: 12.34),
            .map(|s| s.area())


  • Expressive type system
  • Variant types and pattern matching
  • Type class polymorphism with traits
  • Errors are a part of a function type signature (using std::result::Result return type)
  • Automatic memory management
  • Implicit last block line returns


Feature Milestone Status
Lexing 0.1.0
Parsing 0.1.0
Semantic checking 0.1.0
Type checking 0.1.0
Code generation (JS target) 0.1.0
Package support 0.1.0
Useful standard library 0.1.0 🚧
  • ✅ Implemented
  • 🚧 In progress
  • ❌ TBD