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ABNF: serialized source list

Ryan Parman edited this page Jun 14, 2024 · 3 revisions


Many directives' value consist of source lists: sets of strings which identify content that can be fetched and potentially embedded or executed. Each string represents one of the following types of source expression:

  1. Keywords such as 'none' and 'self' (which match nothing and the current URL’s origin, respectively)
  2. Serialized URLs such as (which matches a specific file) or (which matches everything on that origin)
  3. Schemes such as https: (which matches any resource having the specified scheme)
  4. Hosts such as (which matches any resource on the host, regardless of scheme) or * (which matches any resource on the host’s subdomains (and any of its subdomains' subdomains, and so on))
  5. Nonces such as 'nonce-ch4hvvbHDpv7xCSvXCs3BrNggHdTzxUA' (which can match specific elements on a page)
  6. Digests such as 'sha256-abcd…' (which can match specific elements on a page)


serialized-source-list = ( source-expression *( required-ascii-whitespace source-expression ) ) / "'none'"
source-expression      = scheme-source / host-source / keyword-source
                         / nonce-source / hash-source

; Schemes: "https:" / "custom-scheme:" / "another.custom-scheme:"
scheme-source = scheme-part ":"

; Hosts: "" / "*" / "https://*"
host-source = [ scheme-part "://" ] host-part [ ":" port-part ] [ path-part ]
scheme-part = scheme
              ; scheme is defined in section 3.1 of RFC 3986.
host-part   = "*" / [ "*." ] 1*host-char *( "." 1*host-char ) [ "." ]
host-char   = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-"
port-part   = 1*DIGIT / "*"
path-part   = path-absolute (but not including ";" or ",")
              ; path-absolute is defined in section 3.3 of RFC 3986.

; Keywords:
keyword-source = "'self'" / "'unsafe-inline'" / "'unsafe-eval'"
                 / "'strict-dynamic'" / "'unsafe-hashes'" /
                 / "'report-sample'" / "'unsafe-allow-redirects'"
                 / "'wasm-unsafe-eval'"

; Nonces: 'nonce-[nonce goes here]'
nonce-source  = "'nonce-" base64-value "'"
base64-value  = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/" / "-" / "_" )*2( "=" )

; Digests: 'sha256-[digest goes here]'
hash-source    = "'" hash-algorithm "-" base64-value "'"
hash-algorithm = "sha256" / "sha384" / "sha512"
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