Take-home test for a React interview
- Implement a front-end for a search service that searches through an collection of movie resources. (retrieved from the movie endpoint) and returns a list of matching results.
- The right pane is where the user would be searching in a Textfield
- Searching for ‘Batman’ should return any movie with the words Batman on the right pane.
- Once a movie title is selected on the right it should display the detail page on the left pane.
See the included mockup for a sample of what the final result should look like.
Assume the API might be slow.
The root URL of the API is available here: https://clutter-front-end-interview.herokuapp.com. So, to get information about a movie with ID=497, you can go to https://clutter-front-end-interview.herokuapp.com/movies/497.json
There is a movie resource, and castmember resource which belongs to movie, and movie has many cast members.
In the data provided there are two tables
, you can access the index for these resources from their respective enpoints/movies.json
. Note that the cast_members.json endpoint doesn't have data for all movies. Some movies with data are 'Spider-Man 3', 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest', and 'Jason Bourne'. Please also note that some images for cast members may be missing, that is okay. -
The /movies.json endpoint can accept search terms in the following way:
. the specs/controllers directory has a working example of a search operation.
note: treat this as a wireframe - feel free to theme it in a modern, professional fashion.