Nova's protocol is built on top of Bluetooth Low Energy. The rest of this section assumes you know the basics of BLE.
- Discover using Service UUID
and peripheral name:Nova
- Two characteristics: one for making a request to Nova
and one for reading the responseFFF4
- It's a request/response protocol. Phone will always make the request and Nova will reply with a single response.
- Each request consists of an ID (0-255), a command type, and for some commmands a set of parameters.
- Each response is simply an ack. If you phone doesn't receive an ack within 2 seconds assume the connection is dead.
- The request ID is echoed in the ack so you can match them up. Nova doesn't do anything else with the ID. My library just counts 0-255 then wrap.
- Message is ASCII string. Numbers encoded as hex (2 digits for uint8, 4 for uint16) with leading 0 padding if necessary.
- Message is framed like this
where ID is a 2 digit hex string and and body is one of the 3 commands in the next section.
Activates the light.
Takes 3 parameters:
- Warm 00-FF: Brightness of warm LEDs
- Cool 00-FF: Brightness of cool LEDs
- Timeout 0000-FFFF: Light will automatically turn of after this many milliseconds.
Ideal values explained in next section.
Example request: (06:L,00,FF,01F4)
-> means command ID 6, Light up, warm=0, cool=255, timeout=1000ms
Response: (06:A)
-> command ID 6 acked
Turn lights off.
No parameters.
Example request: (07:O)
-> means command ID 7, Off
Response: (07:A)
No-op. You can use this for testing to see if Nova ACKs it.
No parameters.
Example: (08:P)
-> means command ID 8, Ping
Response: (08:A)
- User presses shutter button
- Send light "L" command to Nova
- Wait for ack "A" response from Nova
- Capture photo.
- Wait for photo capture to complete
- Send off "O" command to Nova
- Wait for ack "A" response from Nova
A more advanced camera application may choose to do a pre-flash to help the camera focus.
- Gentle: warm=7F, cool=00, timeout=05DC
- Warm: warm=FF, cool=00, timeout=05DC
- Bright: warm=FF, cool=FF, timeout=05DC
Warning: Do not use PWM settings in range of 0x01 to 0x40 for longer than 1 second as this can put excessive load on the circuitry. 0x00 is fine, and anything over 0x40 is fine. (Yes, a dim brightness can create higher loads)