This project is about integrating an extension in the bigbluebutton (open source web conferencing) application which makes it possible to either chat or speak with a personal assistent by communicating with a Natural Language Understanding API in English.
In this section I will talk about what you neet to do to bring your personal assistent within your bigbluebutton application to live.
Before you start you need to have a full biglbuebutton server running. You can installl one by fallowing the official docs.
You also need to fallow this official guide for developers to be able to start the bigbluebutton application within the developer mode. By fallowing the guide you need to change the fallowing:
- don't fork their bigbluebutton repository, fork mine
- continue fallowing the guide, just clone this repository into your
folder and not the one mentioned in the guide
Now you need to install the string similarity package. You can find more information about what it does in this section: String similarity test
Navigate to your bigbluebutton-html5 folder by running:
cd ~/dev/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-html5
Install the string similarity package by running:
npm install string-similarity --save
It is also nessesary to roll back some code changes which I have used for my development process: commit. Basicly you just need to remove the _niklas
everywhere necessary, which locations are mentioned all in the commit above.
Later, when you installed the ASR-Server and the NLU-Server you need to change their URLs in the client accordingly.
The URL for the ASR-Server is in the bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-html5/imports/ui/components/audio/audio-controls/component.jsx
file and there in the createPostRequest
The URL for the NLU-Server is in the bigbluebutton-html5/imports/ui/omponents/voice-assistant/service.js
file and there in the make_post_request
In order to identify the intent of the user and his mentioned entities like "hey bigbluebutton mute Steffen" which would result in a wake_up+mute
intent and the entity Steffen you need to install this Natural Language Understanding API.
To be able to transcript your commands via voice into text you need to set up a server which runs the MAX-Speech-to-Text-Converter as an automatic speech recognition (ASR) API.
In this section you will add the ASR-API to your already existing NLU-API in a matter of minutes.
First make sure you have Docker installed. If not please fallow this official guide: Docker Installation on Ubuntu.
After that create a folder (e.g. "asr"):
mkdir asr
Navigate to the folder:
cd asr
Clone the used MAX-Speech-to-Text-Converter:
git clone
Navigate to the folder:
cd MAX-Speech-to-Text-Converter
: You will need to have sudo rights
Build the docker image
docker build -t max-speech-to-text-converter .
Start the server
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 max-speech-to-text-converter
Now the only thing you have to do to be able to access our NLU-API and our ASR-API within one server accessable threw your NGNIX webserver is to change your reverse-proxy.conf
file. Here just need to add another location
and change a bit the first one from your Natural Language Understanding API.
You can do this by navigate to the site-variables folder by running:
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
Edit the reverse-proxy.conf file by running:
vim reverse-proxy.conf
Change your one location variable to two location variables now and add a path to it like 'location /nlu/' and 'location /asr/.
location /nlu/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:4000/;
location /asr/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:5000/;
After that is done the NLU-API should be accessable threw:
and the ASR-API threw'
You can also add the functionality to get a summary of the ongoing meeting if you install this guide here: Summary Feature Server.
You also need to change the url of the summary server in this
file and there in the execute_intent
function accordingly.
In this section you will start the NGNIX webserver and 2 localhosts. One is the NLU-API and the other is the ASR-API. The NGNIX server will point your post requests to the right API (localhost).
Remeber you can start the NLU server by navigating to your project folder
cd <your_project_name>
Activate your venv by running:
source ./<your_virtual_environment_name>/bin/activate
Now navigate to your repository folder by running:
cd Natural-Language-Understanding-API
With this setup you need to change the localhost of the NLU-API from 5000 to 4000. You can just start it at port 4000 by running:
rasa run --enable-api -m models/bigbluebutton.tar.gz -p 4000
You can start the ASR-API by running:
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 max-speech-to-text-converter
You can do this from anywhere on your Ubuntu machine as sudo user. You can switch to sudo user by running:
sudo -i
Now your personal voice assistent within the bigbluebutton application should be ready to be used!
To get a better understanding of the project I have created the fallowing images to illustrate different functionalies and where they are located.
The current architecture looks like this:
The communication between the client and the NLU-Server looks like this:
The communication between the client and the ASR-Server looks like this:
The files which I have changed are located here:
Known Bug:
As of right now this extension is not running in the Firefox Browser duo to the Recorder class. This sould be fixed for a production environment.
The string similarity package is used to be able to identify missspelled names or nicknames as users within a bigbluebutton meeting without actually typing the 100% correct name like Niklas_93 will be identified as Niklas_93 in the meeting even if you only said or typed Niklas.
A test (file) for this package, some use cases including their confidences is located at:
It is also possible to take a look at the test with the jupyter nbviewer here:
This project is open source for everyone.