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Dave Miller edited this page Dec 19, 2021 · 5 revisions

Initial Setup

  1. Open the Member Manager
  2. In the toolbar, select "Advanced Filtering"
  3. Under "Include Years", choose "Select All"
  4. Click the "OK" button
  5. In the Custom Filter Editor, click the green "+" icon, and select "Add Condition"
  6. Click the blue "Award Date" item and change it to "BSA ID"
  7. Click the green "Equals" and change it to "Is not blank"
  8. Click the "Apply" button at the bottom
  9. After the view refreshes, from the toolbar, select "Show/Hide Column Chooser"
  10. Drag columns from the header into the Column Chooser box to remove them, and from the Column Chooser box into the header to add them. You want the following columns to be the only ones in your grid: BSA ID, Max Dues Year, Dues Paid Date, Level, BSA Active Registration, BSA Active Registration Overridden, BSA Last Verification Date, BSA Last Verification Status
  11. On the left navigation, under Custom Views, click the green [+] icon
  12. In the next dialog, enter the "View Name": Website Self-serve Export (or other name if you prefer)
  13. Change the value of "Dues Years to Include" to "Relative To Current Dues Year"
  14. Click the "Save" button

Creating the export file

  1. Go to the Member Manager
  2. On the left navigation, under Custom Views, choose the view name you chose above (example: "Website Self-serve Export")
  3. After it loads, click on "Export" in the toolbar at the top.
  4. Choose "Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)" for the Export Format. The setting for "Separate Tabs Per Group" can be ignored since the view doesn't have any groups defined. The setting for "Export All Columns" leave as "No". Click the "Create File" button.
  5. Wait for the export to complete (The spinner should show up after a moment and then go away when it's done)

Importing into the OA Dues Lookup plugin

  1. Log into your Wordpress site
  2. Go to OA Tools > Import Dues
  3. Drag the file you created above into the box, or click on the box and then go pick it.

You'll want to repeat the export/import process on a regular schedule, probably not too long after you've entered new dues payment or run a ScoutNet audit.

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