Building the NetML algorithm, the figure belows illustrate our proposed model:
Please install the neccessary libraries before running our NetML model:
python 2.7
numpy 1.13.1
scikit-learn 0.19.0
- The dataset is put in two folders ./data and ./data_defect4j. The folder ./data includes four projects, namely Ant, Aspectj, Lucene, and Rhino, whereas the folder ./data_defect4j includes three projects, namely Lang, Math, and Time.
- Please run to get used to NetML model. We see that the loss value descrease which means that our loss function converges.
All the bug reports for each project.
All the methods for each project.
Features for each pair of bug report-method, the features mention whether a relationship between the bug report and method.
Label data
Please take a look at folder ./data_example to see the input of our framework:
- bug_list.txt: all the bug reports
- method_list.txt: all the methods
- features.txt: features for each pair of bug-method
- groundtruth.txt: label data
We have five different parameters:
- nfolds: number of folds to do cross-validation
- iters: number of iterations for training NetML
- alpha and beta: control the strength of ridge and Network lasso regularization, respectively.
- kNN: number of nearest of neighbors
Simply run this command to train the network:
$ python ./data_example/bug_list.txt ./data_example/method_list.txt ./data_example/features.txt ./data_example/groundtruth.txt 10 30 0.1 0.01 10
Note that in this case, nfolds=10, iters=30, alpha=0.1, beta=0.01, and kNN=10