Releases: olgatsiouri1996/bioinfo_gui_scripts
bioinfo GUI scripts: python scripts that can be easily transformed to gui programs for wet lab scientists to use
digital ligation in pairs of vector/ insert was added
bioinfo GUI scripts: python scripts that can be easily transformed to gui programs for wet lab scientists to use
digital ligation scripts and executables added
bioinfo GUI scripts
- protein_content: merge scripts calculating aa content into 1
: added support for many pdb files- update executables
bioinfo GUI scripts
fixed the directory option functionality and updated the GUI executable
bioinfo GUI scripts
support of multiple width values 1 per fasta and new GUI executable link
bioinfo GUI scripts
merge single-fasta and multi-fasta scripts to 1 and merge their executables
bioinfo GUI scripts
: added support for many fasta files + new windows GUI executable
bioinfo GUI scripts
fix slice numbers for start and end/stop locations add new versions of GUI executables
bioinfo GUI scripts
fix index count on trimming fasta scripts & add subset_pdb_to_fasta_gui,py
and executable
bioinfo GUI scripts
Addition of tabular multi/single fasta file intra-conversion scripts
addition of
a script that changes the width of sequences line in a FASTA file(avaliable also as windows executable)