Made with SFML 2.5.1 in 2022. Updated it in 2023 to work with SFML 3.0.0, this was made with a library I developed for SFML called SFAS
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Speed is a card game where you place cards on one of two stacks going either up or down.
This has LAN play and there's no need to host a server as the client comes with server built in.
Once you get into a game keep restarting the game untill both clientsare synced.
If you want to host the game press the "Host" button in the main menu.
Now you will be in the host game screen, select the white box and type
the name of the game (can be anything but is only applicable to LAN games),
now press "Host Game", and that's it.
NOTE: if your on different WiFi networks you will need to port forward your IP address
to the port 5300
To join a game hosted by your friend you have 2 options, join a LAN game, or
join with an IP.
If both people are on the same WiFi then wait for the games' name to appear on the
right side of the screen press it, and your in
If you're not on the same WiFi, or LAN isn't working then you'll need to use the hosting
computers IP address, stick it in the white box and click join.
To play:
Refer to the YouTube tortorial (above) for rules to play
Click your pile of cards (bottom left) it will spit out a card. You can select
your card by clicking on it, then, if it's valid either press the pile you want
the card to go to, or pressLeft or Right arrow keys.
To flip over new cards, both players need to click the face down pile in the middle
of the board (it is not nesasary to click it at the same time, only that both player
HAVE clicked it)
Once your pile of face down cards no longer no longer appears and your hand is empty