This is an old research repo. No active work is being done here. Efforts in the direction of production-ready MVP plasma chain (MoreVP, ERC20, audits) are in
We're implementing Minimum Viable Plasma. This repository represents a work in progress and will undergo large-scale modifications as requirements change.
Plasma MVP is split into four main parts: root_chain
, child_chain
, client
, and cli
. Below is an overview of each sub-project.
represents the Plasma contract to be deployed to the root blockchain. In our case, this contract is written in Solidity and is designed to be deployed to Ethereum. root_chain
also includes a compilation/deployment script.
is based off of the Plasma design specified in Minimum Viable Plasma. Currently, this contract allows a single authority to publish child chain blocks to the root chain. This is not a permanent design and is intended to simplify development of more critical components in the short term.
is a Python implementation of a Plasma MVP child chain client. It's useful to think of child_chain
as analogous to Parity or Geth. This component manages a store of Blocks
and Transactions
that are updated when events are fired in the root contract.
also contains an RPC server that enables client interactions. By default, this server runs on port 8546
is a simple Python wrapper of the RPC API exposed by child_chain
, similar to
for Ethereum. You can use this client to write Python applications that interact with this Plasma chain.
is a simple Python application that uses client
to interact with child_chain
, via the command line. A detailed documentation of cli
is available here.
This project has a few pre-installation dependencies.
brew update
brew upgrade
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install solidity
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ethereum/ethereum
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install solc
Follow this guide
brew install python
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3
choco install python
Note: we optionally recommend using something like virtualenv
in order to create an isolated Python environment:
$ virtualenv env -p python3
Fetch and install the project's dependencies with:
$ make
Before you run tests, make sure you have an Ethereum client running and an JSON RPC API exposed on port 8545
. We recommend using ganache-cli
to accomplish this when running tests. Start it with the command-line argument -m="plasma_mvp"
Project tests can be found in the tests/
folder. Run tests with:
$ make test
If you're contributing to this project, make sure you also install flake8
and lint your work:
$ make lint
The fastest way to start playing with our Plasma MVP is by starting up ganache-cli
, deploying everything locally, and running our CLI. Full documentation for the CLI is available here.
$ ganache-cli -m=plasma_mvp # Start ganache-cli
$ make root-chain # Deploy the root chain contract
$ make child-chain # Run our child chain and server
is a simple Plasma CLI that enables interactions with the child chain. Full documentation is provided below.
Shows a list of available commands.
Creates a deposit transaction and submits it to the child chain.
deposit <amount> <address>
deposit 100 0xfd02EcEE62797e75D86BCff1642EB0844afB28c7
Creates a transaction and submits it to the child chain.
sendtx <blknum1> <txindex1> <oindex1> <blknum2> <txindex2> <oindex2> <cur12> <newowner1> <amount1> <newowner2> <amount2> <key1> [<key2>]
sendtx 1 0 0 0 0 0 0x0 0xfd02EcEE62797e75D86BCff1642EB0844afB28c7 50 0x4B3eC6c9dC67079E82152d6D55d8dd96a8e6AA26 45 3bb369fecdc16b93b99514d8ed9c2e87c5824cf4a6a98d2e8e91b7dd0c063304
Signs and submits the current block to the root contract.
submitblock <key>
submitblock 3bb369fecdc16b93b99514d8ed9c2e87c5824cf4a6a98d2e8e91b7dd0c063304
Creates an exit transaction for the given UTXO.
withdraw <blknum> <txindex> <oindex> <key1> [<key2>]
withdraw 1000 0 0 3bb369fecdc16b93b99514d8ed9c2e87c5824cf4a6a98d2e8e91b7dd0c063304
Withdraws from a deposit.
withdrawdeposit <owner> <blknum> <amount>
withdrawdeposit 0xfd02EcEE62797e75D86BCff1642EB0844afB28c7 1 100
Let's play around a bit:
Deploy the root chain contract and start the child chain as per Starting Plasma.
Start by depositing:
omg deposit 100 0xfd02EcEE62797e75D86BCff1642EB0844afB28c7
- Send a transaction:
omg sendtx 1 0 0 0 0 0 0x0 0xfd02EcEE62797e75D86BCff1642EB0844afB28c7 50 0x4B3eC6c9dC67079E82152d6D55d8dd96a8e6AA26 45 3bb369fecdc16b93b99514d8ed9c2e87c5824cf4a6a98d2e8e91b7dd0c063304
- Submit the block:
omg submitblock 3bb369fecdc16b93b99514d8ed9c2e87c5824cf4a6a98d2e8e91b7dd0c063304
- Withdraw the original deposit (this is a double spend!):
omg withdrawdeposit 0xfd02EcEE62797e75D86BCff1642EB0844afB28c7 1 100
Note: The functionality to challenge double spends from the cli is still being worked on.