This repository contains the source code for the website of Code for Heilbronn e.V. (
To write a new blog post, first create a new branch. The naming scheme for blog posts is "blog/[year]-[month]-[day]-[title]
Create a new file under '_posts' with the following naming scheme: [year]-[month]-[day]-[title].md
If you want to include images etc in your post, you can put them under 'uploads/post_media'. For individual images, you can put the image directly into the folder. If you have multiple images, please create a new folder and name it exactly like the markdown file (without .md).
If you want to publish a project on the website, first create a new branch. The naming scheme for projects is "project/[year]-[month]-[day]-[title] Create a new file under '_projects' with the following naming scheme: [year]-[month]-[day]-[title].md Images for projects are stored in 'uploads/_prj_media'. The procedure is the same as for blog posts.
If you want to change the layout or add new features, please create a new branch. The naming scheme for new features is "feature/[title]
hosting a local development server, just use the following command:
docker-compose up