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2023 06 27

Chris Little edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 8 revisions

Environmental Data Retrieval API SWG Meeting 101

14:00 UTC (08:00 MDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 23:00 CST, Friday 01:00 AET)


  • Agree Agenda and IPR Call
  • Minutes/Notes of previous meetings

Status: EDR

Progress in the last month:

  • EDR API Specification:
    • Progress on V1.1 (Categorical Dimensions, POST) PC approved. TC QUORUM (26 YES, 8 Abstain, 0 NO) Now in publishing pipeline.
    • Progress on V1.2 (PubSub)
      • Strong agreement on need for cross-API PubSub
      • PubSub paper agreed by TC as OGC Discussion Paper
      • Specific GitHub repo set up
      • Decided to re-purpose existing PubSub SWG with revised Charter
      • Two Ad Hoc meetings being set up in next couple of weeks first is probably Wed 12 and 26
      • EDR API SWG can pursue faster deadline, whether via another conformance class (as written by Tom Kralidis) or separate Part, to be decided
  • Outstanding Issues:
    • Adding support for simple statistics/data aggregation/summary: conformance class or separate Part?
    • Is support for OGC API-Common/Features Part 3 CQL worthwhile?
    • When and how to add 'missing data' functionality?
    • Need to set up new projects/Workflows
  • Outstanding Pull Requests:
    • V1.1: one editorial awaiting review by Gobe Hobona
    • Only V1.2 or V1.0.2 branches outstanding
  • Compliance Test Suite: V1.1 delayed until at least 3Q2023
  • API coordination:
    • Tiling Sprint June 2023, Alabama: outcome?
    • Joint session with Connected Sysems SWG at Huntsville TC: very positive
  • Update other Documentation on GitHub:

Plans for next month:

  • Publish V1.1
  • agree revised Charter for PubSub SWG


  • Some GitHub wiki pages, plus readme to outline PubSub, mock-up demo, draft standard pages, etc

Longer Term Plans:

  • Non-breaking changes and enhancements: Version 1.2: PubSub and Data Summaries
  • Non-breaking changes and enhancements: Tentative Version 1.3: Streaming response, maybe replaced by PubSub
  • Version 2.x: Not envisaged, unless large scale re-alignments of all APIs planned. Certainly later than V1.3


Any Other Business:

Date of Next Meeting: Thursday, 13 July 2023, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (08:00 MDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 23:00 CST, Friday 01:00 AET)




  • Chris Little
  • Mark Burgoyne


  • Steve Olson

Agenda and IPR Call: Agreed, Done

  • Minutes/Notes of previous meeting: All agreed

Status: EDR

Progress in the last month:

  • EDR API Specification: V1.1 Approved. Now in publishing pipeline
  • Outstanding Issues:
    • final edit of some 'MUSTs' to 'SHALLs' awaiting approval
    • Will PubSUB be a separate Part of V1.1 or an integrated conformance class V1.2
    • other additional agreed functionality to added, needs separte workflows/projects setting up
  • Outstanding Pull Requests:
    • two PRs to move V1.1 to V1.2 (PubSub)
  • Compliance Test Suite:
  • API coordination:
  • Update other Documentation on GitHub:
    • PubSub paper now foramlly agreed as OGC Discussion Paper
    • Readme and Wiki needs updating
    • draft future candidate versions should be made

Plans for next month:

  • NOAA and Met Office will be Charter members of PubSub SWG. MSC probably too
  • Ask Tom to do any editorial work for formal PUBSUB OGC Discussion Paper


  • a Doodle poll for best days/time/frequency for future meetings

Longer Term Plans:

Risks: Divergence of PubSub SWG Spec and EDR V1.2 spec

Any Other Business: None

Date of Next Meeting: 2023-07-13, 14:00 - 15:00 UTC (08:00 MDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 23:00 CST, Friday 01:00 AET)

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