General Updates
- Updated Score-P & Scalasca to the latest version and reworked the way it is packaged (thanks @Thyre)
- Switched to the gnu14 compiler variant
- Introduced a new stateful recipe based on the provisioner Confluent (thanks @tkucherera-lenovo)
- Introduced a new stateless recipe based on the provisioner Warewulf 4 (thanks @MiddelkoopT)
- Re-introduced InfiniBand based CI runs now that one of our test clusters has InfiniBand cards
- Fix spack package to make spack installed software usable as non-root. (#1995)
- Variety of component version updates and other additions highlighted further below
Component Additions
* adios2-gnu14-impi-ohpc (2.10.1)
* adios2-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (2.10.1)
* adios2-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (2.10.1)
* adios2-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (2.10.1)
* boost-gnu14-impi-ohpc (1.81.0)
* boost-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (1.81.0)
* boost-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (1.81.0)
* boost-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (1.81.0)
* cubelib-gnu14-ohpc (4.8.2)
* cubelib-intel-ohpc (4.8.2)
* cubew-gnu14-ohpc (4.8.2)
* cubew-intel-ohpc (4.8.2)
* dimemas-gnu14-impi-ohpc (5.4.2)
* dimemas-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (5.4.2)
* dimemas-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (5.4.2)
* dimemas-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (5.4.2)
* extrae-gnu14-impi-ohpc (3.8.3)
* extrae-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (3.8.3)
* extrae-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (3.8.3)
* extrae-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (3.8.3)
* fftw-gnu14-impi-ohpc (3.3.10)
* fftw-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (3.3.10)
* fftw-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (3.3.10)
* fftw-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (3.3.10)
* geopm-gnu14-impi-ohpc (1.1.0)
* geopm-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (1.1.0)
* geopm-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (1.1.0)
* geopm-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (1.1.0)
* gnu14-compilers-ohpc (14.2.0)
* gsl-gnu14-ohpc (2.7.1)
* hdf5-gnu14-ohpc (1.14.5)
* hypre-gnu14-impi-ohpc (2.18.1)
* hypre-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (2.18.1)
* hypre-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (2.18.1)
* hypre-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (2.18.1)
* imb-gnu14-impi-ohpc (2021.3)
* imb-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (2021.3)
* imb-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (2021.3)
* imb-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (2021.3)
* likwid-gnu14-ohpc (5.3.0)
* lmod-defaults-gnu14-impi-ohpc (2.0)
* lmod-defaults-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (2.0)
* lmod-defaults-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (2.0)
* lmod-defaults-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (2.0)
* lmod-defaults-intel-mpich-ohpc (2.0)
* metis-gnu14-ohpc (5.1.0)
* mfem-gnu14-impi-ohpc (4.4)
* mfem-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (4.4)
* mfem-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (4.4)
* mfem-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (4.4)
* mpich-ofi-gnu14-ohpc (3.4.3)
* mpich-ucx-gnu14-ohpc (3.4.3)
* mpich-ucx-intel-ohpc (3.4.3)
* mumps-gnu14-impi-ohpc (5.2.1)
* mumps-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (5.2.1)
* mumps-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (5.2.1)
* mumps-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (5.2.1)
* mvapich2-gnu14-ohpc (2.3.7)
* netcdf-cxx-gnu14-impi-ohpc (4.3.1)
* netcdf-cxx-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (4.3.1)
* netcdf-cxx-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (4.3.1)
* netcdf-cxx-gnu14-ohpc (4.3.1)
* netcdf-cxx-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (4.3.1)
* netcdf-fortran-gnu14-impi-ohpc (4.6.1)
* netcdf-fortran-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (4.6.1)
* netcdf-fortran-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (4.6.1)
* netcdf-fortran-gnu14-ohpc (4.6.1)
* netcdf-fortran-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (4.6.1)
* netcdf-gnu14-impi-ohpc (4.9.2)
* netcdf-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (4.9.2)
* netcdf-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (4.9.2)
* netcdf-gnu14-ohpc (4.9.2)
* netcdf-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (4.9.2)
* omb-gnu14-impi-ohpc (7.3)
* omb-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (7.3)
* omb-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (7.3)
* omb-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (7.3)
* opari2-gnu14-ohpc (2.0.8)
* opari2-intel-ohpc (2.0.8)
* openblas-gnu14-ohpc (0.3.28)
* opencoarrays-gnu14-impi-ohpc (2.10.2)
* opencoarrays-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (2.10.2)
* opencoarrays-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (2.10.2)
* opencoarrays-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (2.10.2)
* openmpi5-gnu14-ohpc (5.0.5)
* openmpi5-pmix-gnu14-ohpc (5.0.5)
* otf2-gnu14-impi-ohpc (3.0.3)
* otf2-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (3.0.3)
* otf2-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (3.0.3)
* otf2-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (3.0.3)
* otf2-intel-impi-ohpc (3.0.3)
* otf2-intel-mpich-ohpc (3.0.3)
* otf2-intel-mvapich2-ohpc (3.0.3)
* otf2-intel-openmpi5-ohpc (3.0.3)
* pdtoolkit-gnu14-ohpc (3.25.1)
* petsc-gnu14-impi-ohpc (3.18.1)
* petsc-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (3.18.1)
* petsc-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (3.18.1)
* petsc-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (3.18.1)
* phdf5-gnu14-impi-ohpc (1.14.0)
* phdf5-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (1.14.0)
* phdf5-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (1.14.0)
* phdf5-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (1.14.0)
* plasma-gnu14-ohpc (21.8.29)
* pnetcdf-gnu14-impi-ohpc (1.12.3)
* pnetcdf-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (1.12.3)
* pnetcdf-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (1.12.3)
* pnetcdf-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (1.12.3)
* ptscotch-gnu14-impi-ohpc (7.0.1)
* ptscotch-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (7.0.1)
* ptscotch-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (7.0.1)
* ptscotch-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (7.0.1)
* python3.11-mpi4py-gnu14-impi-ohpc (3.1.5)
* python3.11-mpi4py-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (3.1.5)
* python3.11-mpi4py-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (3.1.5)
* python3.11-mpi4py-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (3.1.5)
* python3.11-numpy-gnu14-ohpc (1.26.4)
* python3.11-scipy-gnu14-impi-ohpc (1.5.4)
* python3.11-scipy-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (1.5.4)
* python3.11-scipy-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (1.5.4)
* python3.11-scipy-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (1.5.4)
* R-gnu14-ohpc (4.4.1)
* scalapack-gnu14-impi-ohpc (2.2.0)
* scalapack-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (2.2.0)
* scalapack-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (2.2.0)
* scalapack-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (2.2.0)
* scalasca-gnu14-impi-ohpc (2.6.1)
* scalasca-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (2.6.1)
* scalasca-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (2.6.1)
* scalasca-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (2.6.1)
* scorep-gnu14-impi-ohpc (8.4)
* scorep-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (8.4)
* scorep-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (8.4)
* scorep-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (8.4)
* scotch-gnu14-ohpc (6.0.6)
* sionlib-gnu14-impi-ohpc (1.7.7)
* sionlib-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (1.7.7)
* sionlib-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (1.7.7)
* sionlib-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (1.7.7)
* slepc-gnu14-impi-ohpc (3.18.0)
* slepc-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (3.18.0)
* slepc-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (3.18.0)
* slepc-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (3.18.0)
* superlu_dist-gnu14-impi-ohpc (6.4.0)
* superlu_dist-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (6.4.0)
* superlu_dist-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (6.4.0)
* superlu_dist-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (6.4.0)
* superlu-gnu14-ohpc (7.0.0)
* tau-gnu14-impi-ohpc (2.31.1)
* tau-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (2.31.1)
* tau-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (2.31.1)
* tau-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (2.31.1)
* trilinos-gnu14-impi-ohpc (13.4.0)
* trilinos-gnu14-mpich-ohpc (13.4.0)
* trilinos-gnu14-mvapich2-ohpc (13.4.0)
* trilinos-gnu14-openmpi5-ohpc (13.4.0)
* warewulf-dracut-ohpc (4.5.5)
Component Version Changes
* adios2-intel-impi-ohpc (2.8.3 -> 2.10.1)
* adios2-intel-mpich-ohpc (2.8.3 -> 2.10.1)
* adios2-intel-mvapich2-ohpc (2.8.3 -> 2.10.1)
* adios2-intel-openmpi5-ohpc (2.8.3 -> 2.10.1)
* docs-ohpc (3.1.0 -> 3.2.0)
* EasyBuild-ohpc (4.9.1 -> 4.9.4)
* genders-compat-ohpc (1.27 -> 1.29)
* genders-ohpc (1.27 -> 1.29)
* hdf5-intel-ohpc (1.14.0 -> 1.14.5)
* hpc-workspace-ohpc (1.4.0 -> 1.5.0)
* hwloc-ohpc (2.9.3 -> 2.11.1)
* lmod-ohpc (8.7.37 -> 8.7.53)
* openmpi5-intel-ohpc (5.0.3 -> 5.0.5)
* openmpi5-pmix-intel-ohpc (5.0.3 -> 5.0.5)
* scalasca-intel-impi-ohpc (2.5 -> 2.6.1)
* scalasca-intel-mpich-ohpc (2.5 -> 2.6.1)
* scalasca-intel-mvapich2-ohpc (2.5 -> 2.6.1)
* scalasca-intel-openmpi5-ohpc (2.5 -> 2.6.1)
* scorep-intel-impi-ohpc (7.1 -> 8.4)
* scorep-intel-mpich-ohpc (7.1 -> 8.4)
* scorep-intel-mvapich2-ohpc (7.1 -> 8.4)
* scorep-intel-openmpi5-ohpc (7.1 -> 8.4)
* slurm-contribs-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-devel-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-example-configs-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-libpmi-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-ohpc-slurmrestd (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-openlava-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-pam_slurm-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-perlapi-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-sackd-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-slurmctld-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-slurmdbd-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-slurmd-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-sview-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* slurm-torque-ohpc (23.11.6 -> 23.11.10)
* spack-ohpc (0.21.2 -> 0.22.2)
* superlu-intel-ohpc (5.2.1 -> 7.0.0)
* test-suite-ohpc (3.0.0 -> 3.2.0)
* ucx-cma-ohpc (1.15.0 -> 1.17.0)
* ucx-ib-ohpc (1.15.0 -> 1.17.0)
* ucx-ohpc (1.15.0 -> 1.17.0)
* ucx-rdmacm-ohpc (1.15.0 -> 1.17.0)
* valgrind-ohpc (3.20.0 -> 3.23.0)
* warewulf-ohpc (4.4.0 -> 4.5.5)
What's Changed
- docs: fix submissions page link in by @rezib in #1982
- scorep: Split components in preparation for Score-P & Scalasca update by @Thyre in #1983
- Fixup #1983: Please rpmlint and add missing dependencies by @Thyre in #1987
- Provide Score-P v8.4 and Scalasca v2.6.1 by @Thyre in #1985
- Update and for recent changes by @adrianreber in #1996
- ci: update Ana06/get-changed-files to 2.3.0 by @adrianreber in #1997
- Add workflow to handle stale issues and PRs by @adrianreber in #1998
- Update Warewulf to 4.5.5 by @jcsiadal in #1986
- warewulf: fix offline build in OBS by @adrianreber in #1999
- provisioning: fix warewulf builds on openEuler by @adrianreber in #2000
- rms: fix codespell CI error in openpbs.spec by @adrianreber in #2007
- compiler-families: update GCC to 14.2 by @adrianreber in #2006
- Switch everything to gnu14 and update Open MPI to 5.0.5 by @adrianreber in #2008
- Handle gnu14 in sionlib and openblas by @adrianreber in #2010
- easybuild: update to 4.9.3 by @boegel in #2013
- parallel-libs: make scalapack gnu14 ready by @adrianreber in #2011
- serial-libs: upgrade openblas to 0.3.28 by @adrianreber in #2012
- Make everything gnu14 ready by @adrianreber in #2009
- scotch: handle gcc 14 by @adrianreber in #2016
- easybuild: update to 4.9.4 by @boegel in #2019
- Score-P & Scalasca: Add minor fixes by @Thyre in #2017
- superlu: always use -Wno-implicit-int by @adrianreber in #2021
- R: upgrade to 4.4.1 by @adrianreber in #2022
- hwloc: upgrade to 2.11.1 by @adrianreber in #2023
- ucx: upgrade to 1.17.0 by @adrianreber in #2024
- Fix gnu14 related build errors by @adrianreber in #2026
- opencoarrays: fix build with GCC 14 and update to 2.10.2 by @adrianreber in #2028
- superlu_dist: make it build with GCC 14 by @adrianreber in #2030
- Update Superlu to v7.0.0 by @martin-g in #2029
- docs: switch to gnu14 by @adrianreber in #2031
- genders: Update to 1-29-1 by @martin-g in #2032
- hpc-workspace: Update to 1.5.0 by @martin-g in #2033
- lmod: Update to 8.7.49 by @martin-g in #2034
- Revert "lmod: Update to 8.7.49" by @martin-g in #2037
- tests: Fix the spec URL value by @martin-g in #2036
- valgrind: Update to 3.23.0 by @martin-g in #2039
- powerman: Remove the spec and the documentation for powerman by @martin-g in #2035
- Rocky 9.4 Base Os confluent/Slurm Edition for linux by @tkucherera-lenovo in #2002
- Slurm: update to 23.11.10 by @crbaird in #2044
- spack: upgrade to 0.22.2 by @adrianreber in #2042
- lmod: update to 8.7.53 by @martin-g in #2045
- Update steps for forwarding system logs to use new syntax in rsyslog.conf by @nauaneed in #2005
- adios2: Update to 2.10.1 by @martin-g in #2040
- hdf5: Update to 1.14.5 by @martin-g in #2041
- phdf5: Update to 1.14.5 by @martin-g in #2046
- docs: fix line continuation by @adrianreber in #2049
- PHDF5: Fix the build with Intel compiler by @martin-g in #2051
- Documentation for Warewulf 4 on Rocky 9.4 with Slurm on x86_64 by @MiddelkoopT in #2048
- Revert phdf5 upgrade which breaks with IMPI by @adrianreber in #2052
- Fix default network and DNS for compute nodes on Warewulf 4 by @MiddelkoopT in #2053
- Update manifests for 3.2 by @adrianreber in #2056
New Contributors
- @rezib made their first contribution in #1982
- @Thyre made their first contribution in #1983
- @tkucherera-lenovo made their first contribution in #2002
- @nauaneed made their first contribution in #2005
Full Changelog: v3.1.GA...v3.2.GA