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aprossi edited this page Apr 20, 2017 · 12 revisions


Useful/used tools

  • wtolson/pysis : Toolkit for using USGS Isis in Python.

  • godber/gdal_pds : A GDAL wrapper for the PDS filetype in python.

  • PlanetaryPy : Python tools for Planetary Science

    • planetaryimage : Python PDS and Isis Cube file parser.
    • pdsview : Python PDS Image Viewer
    • planetary_test_data : Simple package that retrieves the suite of planetary data supported by planetaryimage.
    • cookiecutter-pypackage : Cookiecutter template for a Python package. See audreyr/cookiecutter
    • pvl : Python implementation of PVL (Parameter Value Language), which parses and encodes PDS and Isis labels.
    • : PlanetaryPy Website
    • PlanetaryPy Moving Forward : This issue is a collection of my thoughts (godber) after connecting with the OpenPlanetary group last week. The point of writing it is so everyone else knows where I am headed with this work. How everything works out really depends on what other people may do. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.
  • USGS Planetary IO Module: Reads planetary data (e.g. MGS TES, Kaguya Spectral Profiler) data to a pandas dataframe

  • SpiceyPy : SpiceyPy: The NASA JPL NAIF SPICE toolkit wrapper written in Python.

  • Spectral Python 0.16.0 : Spectral Python (SPy) is a pure Python module for processing hyperspectral image data.m

  • SETI GitHub PDS tools : Python tools to parse PDS3 labels, interface to the spice library, and do sundry other tasks.

  • PySAT : Python Spectral Analysis Tool (PySAT) is both a Python (2.7+) library, accessible via an API, and a Graphic User Interface

  • scikit-spectra : Python pandas-based toolkit for explorative spectroscopy, in particular UVVis spectroscopic data.

Potentially outdated, not updated tools anymore (so use with caution)

IDL tools / other tools