You can clone this repository by running:
git clone
- Someone please write this
The binaries will be written to build folder.
cmake CMakeLists.txt
You can run this application by executing the following command. The binaries are written to the build directory.
./nevil <args>
To add experiments you need to extend the following classes and provide your own implementation for at least the virtual methods. The files prefixed with test are place holders and can be deleted. You may follow the pattern used in test files. Here is a list of classes that you need to extend:
- Someone please write this
To install the required packages you need to have Xcode installed. For convenience, you also need to have either HomeBrew or MacPorts installed. To install the required packages run the following commands:
xcode-select --install
If you are using HomeBrew run the following commands:
brew install cmake
brew install qt
If you are using MacPorts run the following commands:
sudo port install cmake
sudo port install qt4-mac
To install the required packages run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install git-core
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev
├── - Description
├── .gitignore - Files ignore by Git
├── CMakeLists.txt - Cmake file for this project
├── .travis.yml - Travis build and test file
├── include
│ ├── Enki - The ENKI project code with some modification in CMakeFiles
│ │ ├── enki - Contains the ENKI library files and headers
│ │ ├── viewer - Contains the GUI library files and headers
│ │ └── ...
│ └── nevil - Contains Header files for the NEVIL project
│ ├── arena - Header files for simulation arena
│ └── *.hpp - Other header files specific to the project
└── src - Implementation files for the NEVIL project.
├── arena - Implementation files for simulation arena
└── *.cpp - Other implementation files specific to the project