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LDMS_Test is a Python module containing tools to help building a virtual cluster for testing ldmsd. A virtual cluster is a set of docker containers on a docker swarm overlay network (a virtual network allowing docker containers to talk to each other via dockerd swarm members). A virtual cluster has exactly one network. The hostname of each container must be defined in the node specification and must be unique (within the virtual cluster).

LDMSDCluster implements basic routines for handling the virtual cluster (e.g. create, remove), and the LDMSDContainer implements basic routines for interacting with each of the containers (e.g. getting aliases of the virtual node). LDMSDCluster and LDMSDContainer are abstract classes that get implemented by the runtime plugins (singularity or docker; see runtime directory). The runtime selection can be specified in ldms-test.conf configuration file. Please see Python Module Usage Guide for a guideline on how to use the virtual cluster in Python. For full details of the APIs, please see in-line Python documentation in the module.

In this document, we will use our bare-metal cluster "cygnus" (hostnames: cygnus-01..08) as an example on how to deploy and run the test infrastructure. Cygnus cluster runs on CentOS 7.6.1810.


Please see ldms-test.conf for the configuration file. Users can specify which runtime to use (singularity vs docker), which image to use, etc.

The following is a synopsis of how to use the utilities in the module.

from LDMS_Test import LDMSDCluster

spec = { ... } # see LDMSDClusterSpec section

# Three choices to obtain a virtual cluster.
# 1) create it
cluster = LDMSDCluster.create(spec = spec) # fail if cluster existed
# 2) get the existing one
cluster = LDMSDCluster.get(name = 'mycluster')
# 3) get and create if not existed
cluster = LDMSDCluster.get(name = 'mycluster', create = True, spec = spec)

# start all daemons according to spec. This ignores the daemons that are
# already running.

# get all containers
conts = cluster.containers

# getting a container by hostname or alias
cont = cluster.get_container('node-1')

# write a file in a container
cont.write_file('/path/to/file', 'string content')

# read content of a file in a container
_str = cont.read_file('/path/to/file')

# execute a program in a container and return the results
rc, output = cont.exec_run("some_program some_param")
    # by default, `exec_run()` is blocking. Please consult
    # `help(docker.models.containers.Container.exec_run)` python doc
    # for advanced usage.

# destroy the cluster

Singularity Cluster Setup

Note: A host means a machine (virtual or physical) that runs containers.

plugin/ implementation has the following requirements:

  1. all hosts must have singularity installed (obviously),
  2. User's home directory is shared over the network on each host (e.g. NFS mounted).
  3. password-free ssh among hosts (e.g. using public key), and
  4. configurable network interface from within the container.

1-3 are quite standard in cluster environment and the guides are quite easy to find. The following subsection describe how to achieve 4.

Singularity network with macvlan and fakeroot

To enable a network to a non-privileged singularity container (-n option), as of Singularity version 3.7.1, a --fakeroot is required. The fakeroot mode maps the current user to UID 0 under a new namespace and requires /etc/subuid and /etc/subgid setup. Please see Singularity administrator guide here on how to set them up.

For the non-root singularity instance with network and fakeroot, singularity will use settings in /etc/singularity/network/40_fakeroot.conflist to setup the container network interface. As of version 3.7.1 singularity uses CNI for network virtualization and only supports: bridge, ptp, ipvlan, macvlan, and none. The system administrator can use any of them (except none) as long as a container on one host can talk to another container on another host, and the IP address of the interface can be set from within the container (part of the virtual cluster setup). We found that using macvlan is effective and requires little setup.

Example /etc/singularity/network/40_fakeroot.conflist:

    "cniVersion": "0.4.0",
    "name": "fakeroot",
    "plugins": [
            "type": "macvlan",
            "master": "enp0s3",
            "ipam": { }

making a singularity image for ldms-test

Use singularity/ script to build a singularity image. For example:

$ ./singularity/
# This will build `ovis-centos-build` image (directory) right in the current
# directory.

# Or specify the path of the output image as follows:
$ ./singularity/ IMAGE=/path/to/image

ldms-test.conf and Singularity

When using singularity runtime, one must specify runtime=singularity in [ldms-test] section. In addition, in [singularity] section, the following parameters must be specified:

  • hosts: specifies a list of hosts to run the singularity containers. Please note that the user home directory on each host must be network mounted to the same place and the user must be able to ssh to these hosts w/o password (e.g. using public keys). Bash braces expansion is supported (e.g. node-{011..099}) and the list can span multiple lines.
  • ip_addr_space: a subnet for the container network interfaces.
  • ip_addr_db: the path to a regular file used for maintaining IP address assignments.


runtime = singularity

hosts = node-{0000..0025} node-0030
ip_addr_space =
ip_addr_db = sing_addr.db

Please see ldms-test.conf for all available options and their explanations.

Convenient singularity container shell access

Instead of figuring out which host to SSH to and execute singularity shell, sing-shell is a convenient script to do that. The following example uses list_cluster -l to list clusters and their containers, then it uses sing-shell to invoke an interactive shell in user-agg_test-d58ee27-headnode container.

$ ./list_cluster -l
    user-agg_test-d58ee27-agg-11 (on host host-1)
    user-agg_test-d58ee27-agg-12 (on host host-2)
    user-agg_test-d58ee27-agg-2 (on host host-3)
    user-agg_test-d58ee27-headnode (on host host-4)
    user-agg_test-d58ee27-node-1 (on host host-5)
    user-agg_test-d58ee27-node-2 (on host host-6)
    user-agg_test-d58ee27-node-3 (on host host-7)
    user-agg_test-d58ee27-node-4 (on host host-8)

$ ./sing-shell user-agg_test-d58ee27-headnode

Docker Host Cluster Setup

Bare-metal cluster is not really needed to deploy the test infrastructure described in this document. It can be deployed on just 2 virtual box machines (or even a single virtual box machine!) hosting dockerds, but obviosly the scalabilty will be limited.

The /home/<user> should be NFS-mounted so that users' files will be accessible to all dockerds across nodes in the bare-metal cluster.

Docker Setup

This section will guide you through docker setup needed for the test infrastructure. cygnus-{01..08} all have docker-ce version 18.09 installed, and docker.service system service is enabled so that dockerd is started on boot.

$ systemctl enable docker.service

The users that need to run the virtual cluster testing facility must also be a member of docker user group, otherwise they cannot create/delete Docker Networks or Docker Containers.

dockerd network port

By default, dockerd is configured to listen only on to the unix-domain socket with dockerd CLI options in /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service file. We need to configure dockerd to also listen on port 2375 (its default network port) because a docker client (our Python test script) needs a connection to the dockerd to manipulate containers running under it (containers in our virtual cluster). Even though dockerd support /etc/docker/daemon.json dockerd configuration, the CLI option takes precedence. As such, we have to override the docker.service to get rid of the CLI option by creating an override file for docker.service as follows:

# file: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
# original:
# ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock

The ExecStart= empty value setting is needed, otherwise systemd would just appending the new value to the existing value. The following is the content of /etc/docker/daemon.json:

# file: /etc/docker/daemon.json
"hosts": [

Now, stop the service, reload so that the override takes effect, and start the dockerd (on all noes).

$ systemctl stop docker.service
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl start docker.service

NOTE: CentOS has a nice package called pssh that helps executing the given command on given hosts to help cluster admin, for example:

$ HOSTS=$(echo cygnus-{01..08})
$ pssh -H "$HOSTS" -i hostname
[1] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-03
[2] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-02
[3] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-01
[4] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-04
[5] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-08
[6] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-05
[7] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-07
[8] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-06

# Or, use alias for convenient
$ alias pssh.all="pssh -H \"$(echo cygnus-{01..08})\""
$ pssh.all -i hostname
[1] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-03
[2] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-02
[3] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-01
[4] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-04
[5] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-08
[6] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-05
[7] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-07
[8] 15:11:48 [SUCCESS] cygnus-06

Issuing pssh.all -i systemctl stop docker.service would stop dockerd on all nodes in the cluster.

Setting Up Docker Swarm

We need docker daemons to run in swarm mode so that the containers living in different hosts (managed by different dockerds) can talk to each other over the overlay network. To setup a swarm, first pick a node (cygnys-08 in this case), and issue docker swarm init. This will initialize the dockerd in the node as swarm manager and generate a token for other nodes to join the swarm.

# On cygnus-08
$ docker swarm init

$ pssh -H "$(echo cygnus-{01..07})" -i docker swarm join \
       --token <TOKEN_FROM_SWARM_INIT> cygnus-08:2377

# Just in case you swarm-init, but forgot to save the token,
# use the following comands to obtain it on cygnus-08.

# Obtain worker token
$ docker swarm join-token worker

# Or `manager` token to join the swarm as manager
$ docker swarm join-token manager

# We can also promote workers to managers as the following
$ docker node promote cygnus-01 cygnus-05

# Docker document mentioned that the number of managers should be an odd number
# and is less than 7. A manager by default is also a worker.

Preparing Docker Image

Dockerfile is provided for building the image described in this section. The following is the command to build the image using the provided Dockerfile in docker/ directory.

$ cd docker/
$ docker build -t ovis-centos-build .

The docker image for running ldmsd virtual cluster is based on centos:7 official image. Additional pakcages are installed to make the image suitable for running ldmsd, debugging ldmsd and being a virtual cluster. The following is a list of extra packages being installed:

  • epel-release for munge package
  • munge needed by ldms munge auth
  • openssh-server to conveniently SSH from one container to another
  • gdb for debugging

The following list of installation will also make the image suitable for building ldms:

  • "Development Tools" package group
  • openssl-devel needed by ovis auth build
  • pip
  • Cython via pip
  • numpy via pip

SSH host keys are generated (/etc/ssh/ssh_host_<TYPE>_key). And user SSH key is generated and add to authorized_keys to conveniently SSH among nodes without password.

Distribute Docker Image

# On cygnus-08, save the image first
$ docker image save ovis-centos-build > img

# using pssh to conveniently load the image on other nodes
$ pssh -H "$(echo cygnus-{01..07})" -i -t 0 docker image load -i $PWD/img

Python Module Usage Guide

LDMSDCluster and Test are the classes used for creating virtual cluster and to report the test results respectively.

The general workflow is 1) create (or get existing) virtual cluster, 2) start required daemons, 3) perform test, 4) report test. For debugging, please see Debugging section.

Create (or Get) Virtual Cluster

The following snippet is an example to get the existing virtual cluster (having the Python handle object to control it). The optional create = True argument is to create the virtual cluster if it does not exist.

cluster = LDMSDCluster.get(spec["name"], create = True, spec = spec)

Alternatively, create the virtual cluster with:

cluster = LDMSDCluster.create(spec = spec)

The difference is that create() will fail if the virtual cluster has already existed while get() won't. Please also be mindful that the spec cannot be changed after the cluster is created. If get() is called with spec, it will be checked against the spec used at create (saved as a label of the docker network) and throw RuntimeError('spec mismatch') if the given spec does not match the one creating the cluster.

Docker containers could not change their hostname after created. However, node aliases can be specified in spec["node_aliases"] as a dictionary mapping a hostname to a list of aliases.


The spec is a dictionary containing LDMSD Cluster Spec describing the docker virtual cluster, nodes in the virtual cluster, and daemons running on them. The following is a list of attributes for Spec object:

  • name is the name of the virtual cluster.
  • description is a short description of the virtual cluster.
  • templates is a dictionary of templates to apply with !extends special keyword attribute.
  • cap_add is a list of capabilities to add to the containers.
  • cap_drop is a list of capabilities to drop from the containers.
  • image is the name of the docker image to use.
  • ovis_prefix is the path to ovis installation in the host machine. If not specified, /opt/ovis in the container will not be mounted.
  • env is a dictionary of cluster-wide environment variables.
  • mounts is a list of mount points with SRC:DST:MODE format in which SRC being the source path in the HOST, DST being the destination path in the CONTAINER, and MODE being rw or ro.
  • node_aliases is a dictionary mapping hostname to a list of hostname aliases. This attribute is optional.
  • nodes is a list of nodes, each item of which describes a node in the cluster.

Besides these known attributes, the application can define any attribute to any object (e.g. "tag": "something"). Even though ignored by the cluster processing routine, these auxiliary attributes are useful for attribute substitution. Template extension and attribute substitution discusses how templates and attribute substitution work to reduce large text repetition in the spec. Please see Node Spec for the specification of a node object, and Daemon Spec for that of the daemon (in a node).

Node Spec

The node in spec["nodes"] is a dictionary describing a node in the cluster containing the following attributes:

  • hostname defines the hostname of the container, and is used to construct container name with {clustername}-{hostname} format.
  • env is a dicionary of environment variables for the node which is merged with cluster-wide env (node-level precedes cluster-level).
  • daemons is a list of objects describing daemons running on the node.

Daemon Spec

The daemon in spec["nodes"][X]["daemons"] is a dictionary describing supported daemons with the following common attributes:

  • name is the name of the daemon.
  • type is the type of the supported daemons, which are sshd, munged, slurmctld, slurmd, and ldmsd.

sshd, munged and slurmd daemons do not have extra attributes other than the common daemon attributes described above.

slurmd spec

In addition to name and type attributes, slurmd daemon has the following extra attributes:

  • plugstack is a list of dictionary describing Slurm plugin. Each entry in the plugstack list contains the following attributes:
    • required can be True or False describing whether the plugin is required or optional. slurmd won't start if the required plugin failed to load.
    • path is the path to the plugin.
    • args is a list of arguments (strings) to the plugin.
ldmsd spec

In addition to name and type attributes, ldmsd daemon contains the following extra attributes:

  • listen_port is an integer describing the daemon listening port.
  • listen_xprt is the LDMS transport to use (sock, ugni or rdma).
  • listen_auth is the LDMS authentication method to use.
  • samplers (optional) is a list of sampler plugins (see below).
  • prdcrs (optional) is a list of producers (see below).
  • config (optional) is a list of strings for ldmsd configuration commands.

The samplers list is processed first (if specified), then prdcrs (if specified), and config (if specified) is processed last.

The sampler object in ldmsd daemon samplers list is described as follows:

  • plugin is the plugin name.
  • interval is the sample interval (in micro seconds).
  • offset is the sample offset (in micro seconds).
  • start can be True or False -- marking whether the plugin needs a start command (some plugins update data by events and do not require start command).
  • config is a list of strings NAME=VALUE for plugin configuration arguments.

The producer object in the ldmsd daemon prdcrs list is described as follows:

  • host is the hostname of the ldmsd to connect to.
  • port is an integer describing the port of the target ldmsd.
  • xprt is the transport type of the target ldmsd.
  • type is currently be active only.
  • interval is the connection retry interval (in micro-seconds).

Template extension and attribute substitution

Templates and %ATTR% substitution can be used to reduce repititive descriptions in the spec. The !extends object attribute is reserved for instructing the spec mechanism to apply the referred template (a member of templates in the top-level spec). The attributes locally defined in the object will override those from the template. An object may !extends only one template. A template can also !extends another template (analogous to subclassing). The templates are applied to objects in the spec before the %ATTR% substitution is processed.

The %ATTR% appearing in the value string (e.g. /%hostname%/%plugin%) is replaced by the value of the attribute ATTR of the nearest container object (starts from self, container of self, container of container of self, ..).

Consider the following example:

    "templates": {
        "node-temp": {
            "daemons": [
                { "name": "sshd", "type": "sshd" },
                { "name": "sampler", "!extends": "ldmsd-sampler" },
        "ldmsd-base": {
            "type": "ldmsd",
            "listening_port": 10000,
        "ldmsd-sampler": {
            "!extends": "ldmsd-base",
            "samplers": [
                    "plugin": "meminfo",
                    "config": [
    "nodes": [
        { "hostname": "node-1", "!extends": "node-temp" },
        { "hostname": "node-2", "!extends": "node-temp" },

The nodes extend node-temp template resulting in them having daemons defined in the template (sshd and sampler). The sampler extends ldmsd-sampler, which also extends ldmsd-base. As a result, the sampler daemon object get extended to have type being ldmsd, listening_port being 10000, and a list of samplers.

The %hostname% and %plugin% in instance=%hostname%/%plugin% is later substituted with the nearest attributes by containment hierarchy. For node-1, the string becomes instance=node-1/meminfo because the nearest hostname is the hostname attribute defined by the node object, and the nearest plugin attribute is the attribute defined in the sampler plugin object itself.

Spec skeleton

The following is the skeleton of the spec:

    "description" : "DESCRIPTION OF THE CLUSTER",
    "templates" : { # a list of templates
        "TEMPLATE_NAME": {
            "ATTR": VALUE,
    "cap_add": [ "DOCKER_CAPABILITIES", ... ],
    "cap_drop": [ "DOCKER_CAPABILITIES", ... ],
    "image": "DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME",
             # Optional image name to run each container.
             # default: "ovis-centos-build"
    "ovis_prefix": "PATH-TO-OVIS-IN-HOST-MACHINE",
                   # Path to OVIS in the host machine. This will be
                   # mounted to `/opt/ovis` in the container.
                   # default: "/opt/ovis"
    "env" : { "FOO": "BAR" }, # additional environment variables
                              # applied cluster-wide. The
                              # environment variables in this list
                              # (or dict) has the least precedence.
    "mounts": [ # additional mount points for each container, each
                # entry is a `str` and must have the following
                # format
                                     # MODE can be `ro` or `rw`
    "nodes" : [ # a list of node spec
            "hostname": "NODE_HOSTNAME",
            "env": { ... }, # Environment for this node.
                            # This is merged into cluster-wide
                            # environment before applying to
                            # exec_run. The variables in the
                            # node overrides those in the
                            # cluser-wide.
            "daemons": [ # list of daemon spec
                # Currently, only the following daemon types
                # are supported: sshd, munged, slurmd, slurmctld,
                # and ldmsd. Currently, we do not support two
                # daemons of the same type. Each type has different
                # options described as follows.
                    "name": "DAEMON_NAME0",
                    "type": "sshd",
                    # no extra options
                    "name": "DAEMON_NAME1",
                    "type": "munged",
                    # no extra options
                    "name": "DAEMON_NAME2",
                    "type": "slurmctld",
                    # no extra options
                    "name": "DAEMON_NAME3",
                    "type": "slurmd",
                    "plugstack" : [ # list of slurm plugins
                            "required" : True or False,
                            "path" : "PATH_TO_PLUGIN",
                            "args" : [
                    "name": "DAEMON_NAME4",
                    "type": "ldmsd",
                    "listen_port" : PORT,
                    "listen_xprt" : "XPRT",
                    "listen_auth" : "AUTH",
                    "samplers": [
                            "plugin": "PLUGIN_NAME",
                            "interval": INTERVAL_USEC,
                            "offset": OFFSET,
                            "start": True or False,
                            "config": [ # list of "NAME=VALUE"
                                        # plugin configuration
                    "prdcrs": [ # each prdcr turns into prdcr_add
                                # command.
                            "host" : "HOST_ADDRESS",
                            "port" : PORT,
                            "xprt" : "XPRT",
                            "type" : "active",
                            "interval" : INTERVAL_USEC,
                    "config": [
                        # additional config commands

The following is an example defining a virtual cluster of 5 nodes: 2 compute nodes with sampler daemon and slurmd, 2 aggregator nodes with ldmsd running in aggregator mode, and 1 head node running slurmctld.

    "name" : "mycluster",
    "description" : "My test cluster with ldmsd and slurm",
    "cap_add": [ "SYS_PTRACE" ], # for GDB in the containers
    "image": "ovis-centos-build",
    "ovis_prefix": "/home/bob/opt/ovis",
    "env" : { "FOO": "BAR" },
    "mounts": [
        "/home/bob/db:/db:rw", # for writing data out from container
        "/home/bob/projects/ovis:/home/bob/projects/ovis:ro", # for gdb
    "templates" : { # generic template can apply to any object by "!extends"
        "compute-node" : { # compute node template
            "daemons" : [  # running munged, slurmd, and ldmsd (sampler)
                    "name" : "munged",
                    "type" : "munged",
                    "name" : "sampler-daemon",
                    "requires" : [ "munged" ],
                    "!extends" : "ldmsd-sampler", # see below
                    "name" : "slurmd",
                    "requires" : [ "munged" ],
                    "!extends" : "slurmd", # see below
        "slurmd" : { # template for slurmd
            "type" : "slurmd",
            "plugstack" : [
                    "required" : True,
                    "path" : SLURM_NOTIFIER,
                    "args" : [
        "ldmsd-sampler" : { # template for ldmsd (sampler)
            "type" : "ldmsd",
            "listen_port" : 10000,
            "listen_xprt" : "sock",
            "listen_auth" : "none",
            "samplers" : [
                    "plugin" : "slurm_sampler",
                    "!extends" : "sampler_plugin",
                    "start" : False, # override
                    "plugin" : "meminfo",
                    "!extends" : "sampler_plugin", # see below
                    "plugin" : "vmstat",
                    "!extends" : "sampler_plugin",
                    "plugin" : "procstat",
                    "!extends" : "sampler_plugin",
        "sampler_plugin" : { # template for common sampler plugin config
            "interval" : 1000000,
            "offset" : 0,
            "config" : [
            "start" : True,
        "prdcr" : {
            "host" : "%name%",
            "port" : 10000,
            "xprt" : "sock",
            "type" : "active",
            "interval" : 1000000,
    "nodes" : [
            "hostname" : "compute-1",
            "component_id" : 10001,
            "!extends" : "compute-node",
            "hostname" : "compute-2",
            "component_id" : 10002,
            "!extends" : "compute-node",
            "hostname" : "agg-1",
            "daemons" : [
                    "name" : "aggregator",
                    "type" : "ldmsd",
                    "listen_port" : 20000,
                    "listen_xprt" : "sock",
                    "listen_auth" : "none",
                    "prdcrs" : [ # these producers will turn into `prdcr_add`
                            "name" : "compute-1",
                            "!extends" : "prdcr",
                            "name" : "compute-2",
                            "!extends" : "prdcr",
                    "config" : [ # additional config applied after prdcrs
                        "prdcr_start_regex regex=.*",
                        "updtr_add name=all interval=1000000 offset=0",
                        "updtr_prdcr_add name=all regex=.*",
                        "updtr_start name=all"
            "hostname" : "agg-2",
            "daemons" : [
                    "name" : "aggregator",
                    "type" : "ldmsd",
                    "listen_port" : 20001,
                    "listen_xprt" : "sock",
                    "listen_auth" : "none",
                    "config" : [
                        "prdcr_add name=agg-1 host=agg-1 port=20000 "\
                                  "xprt=sock type=active interval=20000000",
                        "prdcr_start_regex regex=.*",
                        "updtr_add name=all interval=1000000 offset=0",
                        "updtr_prdcr_add name=all regex=.*",
                        "updtr_start name=all"
            "hostname" : "headnode",
            "daemons" : [
                    "name" : "slurmctld",
                    "type" : "slurmctld",


Start Daemons

The containers in the virtual cluster has only main process (/bin/bash) running initially. We need to manually start the daemons.

cluster.start_daemons() is a convenient method that subsequently calls container.start_daemons() for each container in the cluster. container.start_daemons() starts all daemon sequentially according to the spec["nodes"][X]["daemons"] definition. For each daemon, if it has already been started, the starting routine does nothing. The following is a list of start_*() methods of supported daemons if one wishes to start each daemon manually:

  • cluster.start_sshd() to start sshd in each container. This is convenient for debugging.
  • cluster.start_munged() to start munged in each container. This is required by munge ldms authentication and slurm.
  • cluster.start_slurm() to start slurmd in the sampler nodes and slurmctld in the service node (last container).
  • cluster.start_ldmsd() to start ldmsd in each container, except for the service container (the last one).

Cluster and Container Utilities

The following is the list of utilities to interact with the virtual cluster and the containers inside it.

  • Getting a container inside the cluster: cont = cluster.get_container(NAME). The NAME can be container hostname (e.g. "node-1"), or its alias (e.g. "sampler-1").
  • Getting a list of all containers: conts = cluster.containers.
  • Execute a program in a container: cont.exec_run(CMD), e.g. rc, out = cont.exec_run("df -h").
  • cluster.exec_run(*args) calls cont.exec_run(*args) where cont is the service node (last container).
  • Write to a file in a continer: cont.write_file(PATH, CONTENT).
  • Read content of a file in a container: cont.read_file(PATH).
  • Get a hostname of a container: cont.hostname.
  • Get the first IP address of a container: cont.ip_addr
  • Get network interfaces and their IP addresses of a container: cont.interfaces.
  • cont.pgrep(OPTIONS) executes pgrep in the container, e.g. rc, out = cont.pgrep("-c ldmsd") (if ldmsd is running, rc is 0).

LDMS Utilities

The following is the list of utilities for executing LDMS-related programs:

  • Check if ldmsd is running in a container: True == cont.check_ldmsd().
  • Start ldmsd in a container: cont.start_ldmsd().
  • Kill ldmsd in a container: cont.kill_ldmsd(). This is a short-hand for ldmsd.exec_run("pkill ldmsd").
  • Execute ldms_ls in a container: cont.ldms_ls(OPTIONS), e.g. cont.ldms_ls("-x sock -p 10000 -h sampler-1"). This is a short-hand for cont.exec_run("ldms_ls " + OPTIONS).
  • cluster.ldms_ls(*args) calls cont.ldms_ls(*args) where cont is the service node (last container).

Slurm Job Utilities

The following is the list of utilities for executing Slurm-related programs:

  • Submitting a job: cluster.sbatch(SCRIPT_PATH), where SCRIPT_PATH is the path to the script in the service node (the last container).
  • Get status of all jobs: cluster.squeue(), or get status of a single job: cluster.squeue(JOB_ID).
  • Cancelling a job: cluster.scancel(JOB_ID).

TADA Utilities

For the information on how to operate tadad, please see tadad(1).

To report test results to TADA Daemon (tadad), first we need to create a TADATest object and define assertions as follows:

test = TADATest(test_suite = "LDMSD",
            test_type = "LDMSD",
            test_name = "agg + slurm_sampler + slurm_notifier",
            test_user = "bob",
            commit-id = "abcdefg",
            tada_addr = "cygnus-08:9862")
test.add_assertion(1, "ldms_ls agg-2")
test.add_assertion(2, "slurm job_id verification on sampler-1")
test.add_assertion(3, "slurm job_id verification on sampler-2")

The test_suite, test_type, test_name, test_user and commit_id combination identifies the test run. When the test rerun with the same combination, the results in the database is over-written. The commit_id is meant to be the commit ID from the target program being tested (e.g. ldmsd).

Then, notify the tadad that we are starting the test:


After that, for each assertion point, call test.assert_test() to report the result of the assertion. The assertion that was not tested with assert_test() will be reported as SKIPPED. For example:

# result is `bool`
result = verify_ldms_ls()
test.assert_test(1, result, "ldms_ls results")
# deliberately skip 2
result = verify_jobid()
test.assert_test(3, result, "job_id results")

Finally, notify tadad that the test finishes by:


The defined assertions that were not tested will be reported as SKIPPED.


Test cases failed oftentimes while in development. This section provides you some tips on how to debug with LDMSD Virtual Cluster.

Use python -i for interactive python session. Having access to python objects representing the virtual cluster could help in debugging.


Do proper cleanup (e.g. cluster.remove()), but you might want to hold it while you're debugging. Sometimes, an Exception might prevent the code to properly cleanup, e.g. docker network was created, but failed to cleanup after service creation failure.

To remove using python shell:

$ python
>>> from LDMS_Test import DockerCluster
>>> cluster = DockerCluster.get('mycluster')
>>> cluster.remove()

The following is the commands to remove containers and the network using CLI if the Python doesn't work.

# find your cluster network first
$ docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                     DRIVER              SCOPE
d6d69740ddf1        bridge                   bridge              local
b49037b44bdd        docker_gwbridge          bridge              local
9359ff933aec        host                     host                local
ihixyccuq8g4        ingress                  overlay             swarm
gc313pefx6g3        mycluster                overlay             swarm
216ddeb1cd8c        none                     null                local

# in this example, the network name is mycluster (it also is the
# cluster name)

# See containers of mycluster in all hosts
$ pssh -H "$(echo cygnus-{01..08})" -i "docker ps --filter=network=mycluster"
[1] 15:37:01 [SUCCESS] cygnus-01
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED              STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
31fff3c5de9f        centos:7            "/bin/bash"         About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       mycluster-35
c2c1af104786        centos:7            "/bin/bash"         About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       mycluster-34
7a122d9574f3        centos:7            "/bin/bash"         About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       mycluster-33
df4b1fca3340        centos:7            "/bin/bash"         About a minute ago   Up About a minute                       mycluster-32


# Remove containers
$ pssh -H "$(echo cygnus-{01..08})" -i 'X=$(docker ps --filter=network=mycluster -q) ; docker rm -f $X'

# Now, remove the network
$ docker network rm mycluster

Container Interactive Shell

Sometimes, we want to have an interactive shell to the cluster to look around.

To do so, first we need to find out where our nodes are:

narate@cygnus-08 ~/test/ldms
$ pssh -H "$(echo cygnus-{01..08})" -i 'docker ps --filter=network=mycluster'
[1] 16:04:25 [SUCCESS] cygnus-01
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
7ef03cc2f29e        ovis-centos-build   "/bin/bash"         21 seconds ago      Up 18 seconds                           mycluster-1
[2] 16:04:25 [SUCCESS] cygnus-03
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
10ea81f6f877        ovis-centos-build   "/bin/bash"         16 seconds ago      Up 13 seconds                           mycluster-3
[3] 16:04:25 [SUCCESS] cygnus-04
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
453e837b5b52        ovis-centos-build   "/bin/bash"         14 seconds ago      Up 11 seconds                           mycluster-4
[4] 16:04:25 [SUCCESS] cygnus-02
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
bfee6eb67b75        ovis-centos-build   "/bin/bash"         19 seconds ago      Up 16 seconds                           mycluster-2
[5] 16:04:25 [SUCCESS] cygnus-08
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
[6] 16:04:25 [SUCCESS] cygnus-05
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
2ae4d0ed09c2        ovis-centos-build   "/bin/bash"         11 seconds ago      Up 7 seconds                            mycluster-5
[7] 16:04:25 [SUCCESS] cygnus-06
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
[8] 16:04:25 [SUCCESS] cygnus-07
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

mycluster-5 happened to be on cygnus-05. We have an interactive shell to it by:

$ docker -H cygnus-05 exec -it mycluster-5 bash
[root@node-5 /]#

From here, we can do all sorts of things, e.g.

[root@node-5 /]# ssh node-1
[root@node-1 ~]# pgrep ldmsd

If the cluster is created with cap_add = ['SYS_PTRACE'], we can also attach a gdb to it as follows:

[root@node-1 ~]# gdb -p 160
GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6.1-114.el7
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu".
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Attaching to process 160
Reading symbols from /opt/ovis/sbin/ldmsd...done.
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /lib64/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib64/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /lib64/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib64/
Reading symbols from /lib64/ symbols from
/lib64/ debugging symbols found)...done.
(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib64/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /lib64/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib64/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /lib64/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib64/
Reading symbols from /lib64/ debugging symbols
[New LWP 166]
[New LWP 165]
[New LWP 164]
[New LWP 163]
[New LWP 162]
[New LWP 161]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib64/".
Loaded symbols for /lib64/
Reading symbols from /lib64/ debugging symbols
Loaded symbols for /lib64/
Reading symbols from /lib64/ symbols from
/lib64/ debugging symbols found)...done.
(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib64/
Reading symbols from /opt/ovis/lib/ovis-lib/
Loaded symbols for /opt/ovis/lib/ovis-lib/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /opt/ovis/lib/ovis-ldms/
Loaded symbols for /opt/ovis/lib/ovis-ldms/
Reading symbols from /opt/ovis/lib/ovis-ldms/
Loaded symbols for /opt/ovis/lib/ovis-ldms/
Reading symbols from /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Loaded symbols for /home/narate/opt/ovis/lib/
Reading symbols from /opt/ovis/lib/ovis-ldms/
Loaded symbols for /opt/ovis/lib/ovis-ldms/
Reading symbols from /opt/ovis/lib/ovis-ldms/
Loaded symbols for /opt/ovis/lib/ovis-ldms/
0x00007ff494407fad in nanosleep () from /lib64/
Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install
glibc-2.17-260.el7_6.6.x86_64 openssl-libs-1.0.2k-16.el7_6.1.x86_64
(gdb) b sample
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7ff48ee594fd: sample. (4 locations)
(gdb) c
[Switching to Thread 0x7ff490c7c700 (LWP 165)]

Breakpoint 1, sample (self=0x7ff48f25f0e0 <vmstat_plugin>) at
205             if (!set) {

NOTE: The source code is displayed in the gdb session because the path to the ovis development tree is mounted as the same path in the container. For example, adding "/home/bob/ovis:/home/bob/ovis:ro" to mounts in the spec.

Example Results

$ python -i
-- Get or create the cluster --
-- start/check sshd --
-- start/check munged --
-- start/check ldmsd --
... wait a bit to make sure ldmsd's are up
-- ldms_ls to agg-2 --

ldms_ls agg-2: Passed
Cancelling job 3
Submitting job ...
jobid: 4
slurm job_id verification on sampler-1: Passed
slurm job_id verification on sampler-2: Passed
>>> cluster.remove()

tadad output:

$ ./tadad
2019-07-03 13:49:10,896 tada_server      INFO   Listening on udp
LDMSD - []
    2019-07-03 13:50:31 agg + slurm_sampler + slurm_notifier
        passed    1 ldms_ls agg-2, dir result verified
        passed    2 slurm job_id verification on sampler-1, job_id verified
        passed    3 slurm job_id verification on sampler-2, job_id verified


A collection of docker-based LDMS test cases






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