Release automation for pandas.
Windows users should follow the steps in
- [ ] Manually update
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
If running for the first time be sure to initialize repos
make init-repos
The environment.yml
contains the local dependencies. You'll
also need docker.
And fork pandas-feedstock and pandas-wheels to your GitHub account.
# Update repos
make update-repos
# Tag the release
make tag
# Build the doc and test images
make docker-image docker-doc
# Build the sdist
make pandas/dist/<>.tar.gz
# Final Pip and Conda tests. Do these in parallel.
# You can optionally do make doc here as well
make pip-test
make conda-test
# Push the tag. No going back now.
make push-tag
Now manually create a release
Make sure to upload the sdist that's in pandas/dist/
as the "binary".
Conda-forge uses it.
On pandas you should also now create and tag a new branch, so
git checkout -b <TAG>.x
git push upstream <TAG>.x
git checkout master
git commit --allow-empty -m "Start <NEXT_TAG>"
git tag -a v<NEXT_TAG>.dev0 -m 'DEV: Start <NEXT_TAG> cycle'
git push upstream master --follow-tags
Start the binary builds. For Mac users you may need to download the GNU version of sed before running this scripts via brew install gnu-sed
# Binaries
make conda-forge
make wheels
Open PRs for each of those.
Note that make wheels
actually pushes a job to MacPython to produce wheels which we will download later.
Docs. You can cheat and re-tag / rebuild these if needed.
make doc
Once the binaries finish, you'll need to manually upload the wheels to PyPI.
Assuming the job which make wheels
triggered on MacPython completed successfully (you may want to double check this you can download a copy of the wheels locally.
make download-wheels
Upload the wheels and sdist
make upload-pypi
Finalize the docs
make upload-doc
To make sure /stable and the latest minor revision point to the new release run the following.
make link-stable
make link-version
goto announce.
- [ ] Announce Mailing List
- [ ] Announce Twitter
# 1. Initialize Git Repositories
make init-repos
- Put the
install in the doc docker image - Update conda-forge to handle RC (branch off dev, etc.)
- Update push-tag to handle RC
- Update
to not delete stuff - Environment setup (conda)
- upload doc needs to do symlinking (maybe works, just not with RC?)
- .dev0 tag for the next release