A basic flutter project with drift database, retrofit/dio rest api and bloc state management.
The Skeleton contains the minimal implementation required to create a new project. The repository code is preloaded with some basic components like basic app architecture, app theme and required dependencies to create a new project. By using this code as standard initializer, we can have same patterns in all the projects that will inherit it. This will also help in reducing setup & development time by allowing you to use same code pattern and avoid re-writing from scratch.
Step 1:
Download or clone this repo by using the link below:
Step 2:
Go to project root and execute the following command in console to get the required dependencies:
flutter pub get
Step 3:
This project uses several packages that work with code generation, execute the following command to generate files:
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
or watch command in order to keep the source code synced automatically:
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
Step 4:
This project also utilizes git hooks which validate your git commit/push commands. Execute the following command to activate the git hooks on your local machine:
git config core.hooksPath .githooks/
- Dio
- Database
- Bloc (flutter_bloc) (State Management)
- //[Logging] (TODO)
- Json Serialization
Here is the core folder structure which flutter provides.
|- android
|- build
|- ios
|- lib
|- test
Here is the folder structure we have been using in this project
|- data/
|- feature/
|- util/
|- app.dart
Now, lets dive into the lib folder which has the main code for the application.
2- data - Contains the data layer of your project, includes directories for local, network and shared pref/cache.
4- feature Contains all the ui of your project, contains sub directory for each screen.
5- util Contains the utilities/common functions of your application.
8- app.dart - This is the starting point of the application. All the application level configurations are defined in this file i.e, theme, routes, title, orientation etc.