A simple UI and REST API to operate Polkadot multi-chains testnets in Kubernetes.
The testnet-manager let you view the following information about nodes running in your cluster:
- List Substrate nodes running in Kubernetes and query their status over RPC
- List Validators running in Kubernetes
- List Parachains and collator nodes
When provided with the relay-chain Sudo account, the testnet-manager can perform the following actions:
- Register/Deregister validator nodes
- Rotate validator session keys
- Onboard/Offboard a parachain
- Register/Deregister parachain collators
- Execute runtime upgrades on relay-chains and common good parachains
python -m pytest
Note that running with those commands will fail to connect to your Kubernetes cluster and running nodes without adapting them to your setup. As such, it is recommended to refer to the next section for instructions to run a complete local stack in Kubernetes.
Setup the local environment:
poetry install
poetry shell
Set environment variables, eg:
Start the app:
# Dev
poetry run uvicorn main:app --reload
# Prod
python -m gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker main:app --bind --timeout=3600 --capture-output --enable-stdio-inheritance --workers 4
Install either Minikube or Rancher-Desktop. Then, start your Kubernetes cluster in a VM and run:
cd local-kubernetes
make setup
make apply
Remark: Wait for the "setup" step (chainspec building) to complete before installing to prevent the nodes from failing to pull chainspecs files. For more information see helm/minikube/README.md
Continuously deploy to Kubernetes with Skaffold:
skaffold dev