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Patrick Motard edited this page Aug 15, 2019 · 14 revisions


installed neovim(default), vim
alias vim, nvim


~/.config/nvim/init.vim loaded when nvim starts, effectively just reads ~/.vimrc
~/.vimrc includes configuration for (n)vim, including plugins, key remaps, etc


run from normal mode
leader <Space>
yank <leader> y
yank line <leader> yy
paste <leader> p


For a list of plugins, see ~/.vimrc. Plugins are managed with vundle.

How copy/paste is shared with OS clipboard

Note: This only works with nvim, not vim.

From ~/.vimrc

set clipboard=unnamedplus

let mapleader=" "
" " Copy to clipboard

vnoremap  <leader>y  "+y
nnoremap  <leader>Y  "+yg_
nnoremap  <leader>y  "+y
nnoremap  <leader>yy  "+yy

" " Paste from clipboard
nnoremap <leader>p "+p
nnoremap <leader>P "+P
vnoremap <leader>p "+p
vnoremap <leader>P "+P
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