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Caladria: Elevating Live Streams to Legendary Moments!

This is a live stream application built using a range of modern technologies. It provides functionalities similar to popular streaming platforms, including user authentication, live streaming capabilities, and user profile management.

Table of Contents


  • Live streaming with integration for OBS and similar programs using Livekit
  • User authentication and management via Clerk
  • User thumbnail storage using Uploadthing
  • Real-time chat and interactions
  • Responsive design with Tailwind CSS

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, shadcn-ui, lucide-react
  • State Management: Zustand
  • Database: MySQL (configurable to other databases via Prisma)
  • Authentication: Clerk
  • Streaming: Livekit
  • File Storage: Uploadthing
  • Utilities: usehooks-ts, sonner

Setup Instructions

To set up and run this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd caladria

Ngrok Configuration

To run this application on your local machine, you will need ngrok to expose your local server to the internet. Follow these steps to set up ngrok:

  1. Download and install ngrok:

    • Download ngrok from and follow the installation instructions.
  2. Start ngrok:

    • Run the following command to start ngrok and expose your local server:
    ngrok http 3000
  1. Obtain the ngrok URL:
    • Copy the generated ngrok URL (e.g., https://"your-ngrok-id"

Set up webhooks:

  • Clerk: Go to your Clerk dashboard and set the webhook URL to https://"your-ngrok-id"
  • Livekit: Go to your Livekit dashboard and set the webhook URL to https://"your-ngrok-id"

Environment Variables

Fill in the required keys and secrets in the .env file or rename .env_example to .env.

Obtaining Keys and Secrets

To run this application, you must have accounts on the following platforms and obtain the necessary keys and secrets:

  • Livekit: Required for live streaming capabilities. Sign up at Livekit and obtain the API URL, API key, API secret, and WebSocket URL.
  • Uploadthing: Used to store user thumbnails. Sign up at Uploadthing and obtain the secret and app ID.
  • Clerk: Handles authentication and user management. Sign up at Clerk and obtain the publishable key, secret key, and webhook secret.

Ensure these values are correctly set in your .env file.















Setup the database

  1. Ensure your MySQL database is running.
  2. Update the DATABASE_URL in the .env file with your database credentials.
  3. Run the Prisma migrations and db push to set up your database schema:
npx prisma migrate dev
# then
npx prisma db push

By default, this application uses MySQL as the database. You can change the database provider by updating the schema.prisma file in the prisma directory. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open prisma/schema.prisma.
  2. Modify the provider field in the client block to your preferred database (e.g., postgresql, sqlite, etc.).
  3. Update the DATABASE_URL in your .env file to match the new database connection string.
  4. Run the Prisma migrations and db push to update the database schema

Updating Next Configuration for Remote Image Patterns

To ensure your images are displayed correctly, you need to configure your URL in the Next.js settings. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the next.config.mjs file:

    • Locate and open the next.config.mjs file in your project root directory.
  2. Update the Remote Patterns:

    • Within the images section, find the remotePatterns array.

Add your hostname (URL) to the remotePatterns array as shown below:

module.exports = {
  images: {
    remotePatterns: [
        hostname: 'uploadthing domain',

Replace with your actual domain and adjust the pathname if necessary.

Install dependencies

npm install

Run Caladria

Run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 or Ngrok URL with your browser to see the result.

Setting Up OBS (or Similar Software) with Caladria

  1. Access the Dashboard:

    • Log in to your Caladria account and navigate to the dashboard.
  2. Generate Connection Keys:

    • Go to the Keys section.
    • Select the option to generate a new connection.
    • You will have the choice between RTMP and WHIP protocols.
  3. Retrieve Server URL and Stream Key:

    • After generating the connection keys, the server URL and stream key will be displayed.
    • Note these details as they are essential for the setup process.
  4. Configure OBS:

    • Open OBS (or your chosen streaming software).
    • Enter the provided server URL and stream key into the respective fields within OBS's settings.

By following these steps, you'll be able to successfully set up OBS (or similar software) with Caladria for seamless streaming.

License and Ownership

All rights and intellectual property over Caladria are exclusively owned by Patrick Gunnar.


Elevating Live Streams to Legendary Moments!







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