I am a Google Authorized Trainer across 7 of the disciplines within Google Cloud. I am a Python dev at heart but grew up on Perl (and PHP and Pascal in there too, name starts with P
as well, coincidence?). I spend most of my time training and tend to focus on automation. Anything that has to be done more than once is worth automating. I train through ROI Training and put many of the useful links in my repos here. Most of my production work is off github in Google's Source Repositories and not publicly available.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Object Tracking ML using a Pi Cluster running K3S
- 🌱 I’m currently studying for my CKA/CKAD certs
- 📫 How to reach me: drop me a connect on LinkedIn, but please full intro and where you got my details and why you'd like to connect
- ⚡ Fun fact: training is fun, learning is funner[sic] 🙂