No particular installation is required, other than copying the twiss/survey
as pickle files from
The main tools of this backage are found in Backend/
and Backend/
. One can extract all the relevant HO and LR information for each IPs using:
import pandas as pd
import Backend.InteractionPoint as inp
# Importing twiss/survey files
twiss_b1 = pd.read_pickle('LHC_sequence/lhcb1_opticsfile30_twiss.pkl')
survey_b1 = pd.read_pickle('LHC_sequence/lhcb1_opticsfile30_survey.pkl')
twiss_b2 = pd.read_pickle('LHC_sequence/lhcb2_opticsfile30_twiss.pkl')
survey_b2 = pd.read_pickle('LHC_sequence/lhcb2_opticsfile30_survey.pkl')
# Creating beam objects:
B1 = inp.Beam('b1',twiss_b1,survey_b1,
Nb = 1.15e11,
E = 6.8e12,
emittx_n = 2.5e-6,
emitty_n = 2.5e-6,
dp_p0 = 0)
B2 = inp.Beam('b2',twiss_b2,survey_b2,
Nb = 1.15e11,
E = 6.8e12,
emittx_n = 2.5e-6,
emitty_n = 2.5e-6,
dp_p0 = 0)
# Attaching beams to the IPs and extracting the relevant twiss/survey for the IP
IP1 = inp.InteractionPoint('ip1',B1,B2)
IP5 = inp.InteractionPoint('ip5',B1,B2)
From there, IP1.b1.twiss
contains all the information necessary, including the coordinates in the lab frame, and
contains dataframes with the BB parameters computed for All BB/LR only/HO only
An example of footprint computation is found in demo_detuning.ipynb
The detuning from a given LR (or HO) interaction can be computed analytically following:
import Backend.Detuning as dtune
_bb =['bb_lr.r5b1_13']
DQx,DQy = dtune.DQx_DQy( ax = coord['x_n'],
ay = coord['y_n'],
r = _bb['r'],
dx_n = _bb['dx_n'],
dy_n = _bb['dy_n'],
A_w_s= _bb['A_w_s'],
B_w_s= _bb['B_w_s'],
xi = IP5.b2.xi)
The explanation for the physics and the underlying equations can be found from the papers in:
Note that A_w_s
and B_w_s
are described in the addendum. These numbers are necessary for the general solution of the detuning, where the optics of the weak beam and the strong beam are not necessarily antisymmetric.