IETH-20 is an Eth Inscription protocol, upgraded based on terc, with complete token transaction logic and extremely low transaction fees, as well as batch transfer capabilities. It is very index friendly and ETHINSC has opened an API for direct use.
data:application/json,{"p": "ierc-20","op": "transfer","tick": "ethi","nonce": "45","to": [{"recv": "0x7BBAF8B409145Ea9454Af3D76c6912b9Fb99b2A9","amt": "10000"}]}
// data:application/json,
// +
// deploy; send 0eth from self to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
"p":"ierc-20", //protocol name: ierc20 | terc-20
"op":"deploy", //operation: deploy/mint/transfer/freeze_sell/proxy_transfer
"tick":"ethi", //token tick, can't be repeatable, case insensitive.
"max":"21000000", //max supply
"lim":"1000", //limit for each mint
"wlim":"10000", //limit for each address can maximum mint, address balance < deploy.wlim (Before mint, please do not receive transfers from others, transfers are also counted as balance)
"dec":"8", //decimal for minimum divie
"nonce":"0", //increasing interger, suggest using address original nonce
// mint; send 0eth from self to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
// The initiator of the transaction is the receiver
"op":"mint", //mint operation
"amt":"1000", //mint amount
// transfer; send 0eth from self to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
"p": "ierc-20",
"op": "transfer", //transfer operation
"tick": "ethi",
"nonce": "2",
"to": [ //batch transfer, the sum of amt must equal the previous amt param
"recv": "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48", //receiver address
"amt": "50" //receiver amount
"recv": "0x0000000000085d4780B73119b644AE5ecd22b376",
"amt": "50"
// proxy transfer; send 0eth from self to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 or 0x33302dbff493ed81ba2e7e35e2e8e833db023333 or platform address
"p": "ierc-20",
"op": "proxy_transfer", //transfer operation
"proxy": [
"tick": "ethi", // tick
"nonce": (+new Date()).toString(), // nonce
"from": sellerAddress, // seller address, verify
"to": "0x22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222", // buyer address (test)
"amt": "333",
"value": "0.001",
"sign": sign // the agent must carry the signature to the chain, which can be confirmed
// The buyer is buying and the seller's token is frozen; send x eth from self to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 or 0x33302dbff493ed81ba2e7e35e2e8e833db023333 or platform address
"p": "ierc-20",
"op": "freeze_sell",
"freeze": [
"tick": "ethi", // Seller Signature Information
"nonce": (+new Date()).toString(), // Seller Signature Information
"platform": "0x33302dbff493ed81ba2e7e35e2e8e833db023333", // Seller signature information: corresponding platform
"seller": "0x22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222", // Freeze the corresponding seller
"amt": "333", // Seller Signature Information
"value": "0.001", // Seller Signature Information
"gasPrice": "33988168450", // gasPrice
"sign": sign // The seller authorizes the signature to verify the use
- Mint is invalid in the same block
Signature Approval Example
const message = JSON.stringify({
title: 'ierc-20 one approve', // one approve
to: '0x33302dbff493ed81ba2e7e35e2e8e833db023333', // platform address
tick: 'ethi', // token
amt: "333", // token amt
value: "0.01", // eth value
nonce: (+new Date()).toString(),
}, null, 4)