This is a single file script designed to provide some UI for Inclued (
Sample Image:
- Install inclued extension
- Turn it on, configure it to run automagically with php.ini
- Tell PHP to save the files somewhere, preferably somewhere inteligent. I would suggest against putting them on a tape drive, sys-admins get really scary when they're angry
- Drop the inclued.php file inside your document root. Actually, place it there gently, things can break when dropped
- Edit the file, gently, to set the paths correctly.
- Fairys get wings when you clap your hands, or when you include trailing slashes as instructed
- Visit a few pages on your site
- Visit inclued.php
- Go fix that thing you missed
- Start enjoying your call graphs.
Please don't install this in production see note about angry sys-admins
inclued.enabled = 1
inclued.dumpdir = /tmp/inclued/
- Ensure you've got graphviz installed, and you know where dot is
- The program prints out the commands it's trying to execute when things go poorly, run them yourself, see what happens
- If the graph is small edit the value (default 6.6) inside the phpdeps section of gengraph.php
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