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Nacos-sdk-go 中文

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Nacos-sdk-go for Go client allows you to access Nacos service,it supports service discovery and dynamic configuration.


Supported Go version over 1.12

Supported Nacos version over 1.x


Use go get to install SDK:

$ go get -u

Quick Examples

  • ClientConfig
	TimeoutMs            uint64 // timeout for requesting Nacos server, default value is 10000ms
	NamespaceId          string // the namespaceId of Nacos
	Endpoint             string // the endpoint for ACM.
	RegionId             string // the regionId for ACM & KMS
	AccessKey            string // the AccessKey for ACM & KMS
	SecretKey            string // the SecretKey for ACM & KMS
	OpenKMS              bool   // it's to open KMS, default is false.
	                            // , to enable encrypt/decrypt, DataId should be start with "cipher-"
	CacheDir             string // the directory for persist nacos service info,default value is current path
	UpdateThreadNum      int    // the number of goroutine for update nacos service info,default value is 20
	NotLoadCacheAtStart  bool   // not to load persistent nacos service info in CacheDir at start time
	UpdateCacheWhenEmpty bool   // update cache when get empty service instance from server
	Username             string // the username for nacos auth
	Password             string // the password for nacos auth
	LogDir               string // the directory for log, default is current path
	RotateTime           string // the rotate time for log, eg: 30m, 1h, 24h, default is 24h
	MaxAge               int64  // the max age of a log file, default value is 3
	LogLevel             string // the level of log, it's must be debug,info,warn,error, default value is info
  • ServerConfig
	ContextPath string // the nacos server context path
	IpAddr      string // the nacos server address
	Port        uint64 // the nacos server port
	Scheme      string // the nacos server scheme

Note:We can config multiple ServerConfig,the client will rotate request the servers

Create client

//create clientConfig
clientConfig := constant.ClientConfig{
	NamespaceId:         "e525eafa-f7d7-4029-83d9-008937f9d468", //we can create multiple clients with different namespaceId to support multiple namespace.When namespace is public, fill in the blank string here.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
	TimeoutMs:           5000,
	NotLoadCacheAtStart: true,
	LogDir:              "/tmp/nacos/log",
	CacheDir:            "/tmp/nacos/cache",
	RotateTime:          "1h",
	MaxAge:              3,
	LogLevel:            "debug",
//Another way of create clientConfig
clientConfig := *constant.NewClientConfig(
    constant.WithNamespaceId("e525eafa-f7d7-4029-83d9-008937f9d468"), //When namespace is public, fill in the blank string here.

// At least one ServerConfig
serverConfigs := []constant.ServerConfig{
        IpAddr:      "",
        ContextPath: "/nacos",
        Port:        80,
        Scheme:      "http",
    	IpAddr:      "",
    	ContextPath: "/nacos",
    	Port:        80,
        Scheme:      "http",
//Another way of create serverConfigs
serverConfigs := []constant.ServerConfig{

// Create naming client for service discovery
_, _ := clients.CreateNamingClient(map[string]interface{}{
	"serverConfigs": serverConfigs,
	"clientConfig":  clientConfig,

// Create config client for dynamic configuration
_, _ := clients.CreateConfigClient(map[string]interface{}{
	"serverConfigs": serverConfigs,
	"clientConfig":  clientConfig,

// Another way of create naming client for service discovery (recommend)
namingClient, err := clients.NewNamingClient(
        ClientConfig:  &clientConfig,
        ServerConfigs: serverConfigs,

// Another way of create config client for dynamic configuration (recommend)
configClient, err := clients.NewConfigClient(
        ClientConfig:  &clientConfig,
        ServerConfigs: serverConfigs,

Create client for ACM

cc := constant.ClientConfig{
  Endpoint:    "",
  NamespaceId: "e525eafa-f7d7-4029-83d9-008937f9d468",
  RegionId:    "cn-shanghai",
  AccessKey:   "LTAI4G8KxxxxxxxxxxxxxbwZLBr",
  SecretKey:   "n5jTL9YxxxxxxxxxxxxaxmPLZV9",
  OpenKMS:     true,
  TimeoutMs:   5000,
  LogLevel:    "debug",

// a more graceful way to create config client
client, err := clients.NewConfigClient(
    ClientConfig: &cc,

Service Discovery

  • Register instance:RegisterInstance
success, err := namingClient.RegisterInstance(vo.RegisterInstanceParam{
    Ip:          "",
    Port:        8848,
    ServiceName: "demo.go",
    Weight:      10,
    Enable:      true,
    Healthy:     true,
    Ephemeral:   true,
    Metadata:    map[string]string{"idc":"shanghai"},
    ClusterName: "cluster-a", // default value is DEFAULT
    GroupName:   "group-a",  // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
  • Deregister instance:DeregisterInstance
success, err := namingClient.DeregisterInstance(vo.DeregisterInstanceParam{
    Ip:          "",
    Port:        8848,
    ServiceName: "demo.go",
    Ephemeral:   true,
    Cluster:     "cluster-a", // default value is DEFAULT
    GroupName:   "group-a",   // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
  • Get service:GetService
services, err := namingClient.GetService(vo.GetServiceParam{
    ServiceName: "demo.go",
    Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
    GroupName:   "group-a",             // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
  • Get all instances:SelectAllInstances
// SelectAllInstance return all instances,include healthy=false,enable=false,weight<=0
instances, err := namingClient.SelectAllInstances(vo.SelectAllInstancesParam{
    ServiceName: "demo.go",
    GroupName:   "group-a",             // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
    Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
  • Get instances :SelectInstances
// SelectInstances only return the instances of healthy=${HealthyOnly},enable=true and weight>0
instances, err := namingClient.SelectInstances(vo.SelectInstancesParam{
    ServiceName: "demo.go",
    GroupName:   "group-a",             // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
    Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
    HealthyOnly: true,
  • Get one healthy instance(WRR):SelectOneHealthyInstance
// SelectOneHealthyInstance return one instance by WRR strategy for load balance
// And the instance should be health=true,enable=true and weight>0
instance, err := namingClient.SelectOneHealthyInstance(vo.SelectOneHealthInstanceParam{
    ServiceName: "demo.go",
    GroupName:   "group-a",             // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
    Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
  • Listen service change event:Subscribe
// Subscribe key = serviceName+groupName+cluster
// Note: We call add multiple SubscribeCallback with the same key.
err := namingClient.Subscribe(vo.SubscribeParam{
    ServiceName: "demo.go",
    GroupName:   "group-a",             // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
    Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
    SubscribeCallback: func(services []model.SubscribeService, err error) {
        log.Printf("\n\n callback return services:%s \n\n", utils.ToJsonString(services))
  • Cancel listen of service change event:Unsubscribe
err := namingClient.Unsubscribe(vo.SubscribeParam{
    ServiceName: "demo.go",
    GroupName:   "group-a",             // default value is DEFAULT_GROUP
    Clusters:    []string{"cluster-a"}, // default value is DEFAULT
    SubscribeCallback: func(services []model.SubscribeService, err error) {
        log.Printf("\n\n callback return services:%s \n\n", utils.ToJsonString(services))
  • Get all services name:GetAllServicesInfo
serviceInfos, err := client.GetAllServicesInfo(vo.GetAllServiceInfoParam{
    NameSpace: "0e83cc81-9d8c-4bb8-a28a-ff703187543f",
    PageNo:   1,
    PageSize: 10,

Dynamic configuration

  • publish config:PublishConfig
success, err := configClient.PublishConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
    DataId:  "dataId",
    Group:   "group",
    Content: "hello world!222222"})
  • delete config:DeleteConfig
success, err = configClient.DeleteConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
    DataId: "dataId",
    Group:  "group"})
  • get config info:GetConfig
content, err := configClient.GetConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
    DataId: "dataId",
    Group:  "group"})
  • Listen config change event:ListenConfig
err := configClient.ListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
    DataId: "dataId",
    Group:  "group",
    OnChange: func(namespace, group, dataId, data string) {
        fmt.Println("group:" + group + ", dataId:" + dataId + ", data:" + data)
  • Cancel the listening of config change event:CancelListenConfig
err := configClient.CancelListenConfig(vo.ConfigParam{
    DataId: "dataId",
    Group:  "group",
  • Search config: SearchConfig
configPage, err := configClient.SearchConfig(vo.SearchConfigParam{
    Search:   "blur",
    DataId:   "",
    Group:    "",
    PageNo:   1,
    PageSize: 10,


We can run example to learn how to use nacos go client.


You can view the open-api documentation from the Nacos open-api wepsite.

You can view the full documentation from the Nacos website.


Contributors are welcomed to join Nacos-sdk-go project. Please check about how to contribute to this project.


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Nacos client in Golang







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