This repo configure a Ubuntu WSL to be ready and pleasant to work with software development.
- Ubuntu WSL installed and running
- Git installed on windows: Download
- Git
- Commitizen
- Antigen
- Configure vim
- Node 14.17.1 pre installed
- GCloud
We setup Git to retrieve credentials from windows, then we can download github repos using HTTPS authenticating through SSO with your browser. Commit author will be configured as well.
ZSH will receive oh-my-zsh plugins using antigen and a small set of plugins are
available out of the box, as some autocompletes and enhanced history with
- Open your WSL terminal
- Clone this repo:
git clone ~/.wsl-personal-installer
- Get into it:
cd ~/.wsl-personal-installer
- Copy
and replace variables - Run
- Reopen your terminal
- Enjoy your setup
- Contribute with this repo 😃