Finds unused translation keys in your Angular project. Should be used withe angular translation library ngx-translate It searches translation keys (normally located in a [language-code].json file) in .ts, .js or .html files in the baseSrc
and generate a fresh file at exportFreshTranslatePath
It's a port of and display the progress more detail.
- Cannot detect dynamic key like this example: seveves/ngx-translate-zombies#2
<p class="error">{{'LOGIN.ERROR.' + (loginCode | async) | translate}}</p>
getFilterName(filter: WalksheetFilter) {
const name = WalksheetFilterType[filter.type];
return this.translate.instant(`WALKSHEET.ACTIONBAR.FILTER.${name}`);
cd ./example
npm run kill-zombies
- Check the config at
const killTranslateZombies = require('../build/main/index').default;
translateFilePath: './src/assets/i18n/en.json',
baseSrc: './src',
exportFreshTranslatePath: './my-file.json'