Learn how to work with the MBTA V3 API by constructing queries and interacting with the results.
Users can build queries in which they specify:
- The primary object (ex: Alert, Route, Facility, Vehicle, etc.)
- The related objects that should also be included in the results
- The attributes that should be returned for each object
- Filters for limiting what object instances are returned
Upon executing a query, the user is brought to a results page where they can view:
- A brief summary of the response (status code, size, and query parameters)
- A table of the response data
- It can be downloaded as a CSV file for further analysis
- A profile report generated by pandas-profiling
- Users can customize what correlations are calculated
- The raw response data as pretty-printed JSON
- Interactive geolocation plots for any objects which have 'latitude' and 'longitude' attributes.
- These plots are generated using Bokeh
- Django
- Django REST framework
- Vanilla ES6 JavaScript (the only exception is jQuery was used for showing/hiding modals)